Nadav Harel

The story of lion trophy hunters in Africa. KING OF BEASTS offers a close-up on the world of the controversial 'sport" of lion hunting.


Ecstasy, which started out as a psychotherapeutic drug, acquired the reputation of a happiness pill and thus became one of the most consumed recreational drugs today. Wandering through X culture exposes some surprising links between the subculture of parties, wild sex, consumerism and religion. By pointing the camera on Israel 2003 – war, religious fundamentalism, consumerism and drugs - the film depicts a world in which reality and hallucination are constantly recreating each other in an inseparable and crazy path.

Members of the controversial group NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) discuss why their organization supports "boys and men who have or desire engagements in sexual or emotional relationships."


The film explores an ancient human sacrifice ritual that takes place in an indigenous Hindu community in the Western Himalayas.