Nadia Rinaldi

A lawyer prepares for his wedding while his brother becomes a funeral planner.

The story of a drug dealer from Romania and his son in Rome's suburbs.Roman is an immigrant from Romania arrived in Italy 30 years ago. He sells drugs and lives in criminal contexts. His dream is to see his child, Nicu, whom he raised without a mother, live a different and better life.


Dino and Franco, two mechanics in Rome, unrepentant bachelor and friends to the skin, leave for Las Vegas to attend the international gathering of Harley-Davidson, one of the great passions they have in common ...


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Gory remake of the Gaston Leroux classic story, only this time, the phantom is not disfigured, but a man who was raised by rats deep under the Paris Opera House.


Uno di noi is an Italian television series, airing on Rai Uno in 1996. The series was rerun on Rai Premium during the summer of 2011.


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A film in 8 episodes. A government MP from An spends a wild night of passion with a parliamenatrian from the Refoundation party; Maria Carla lets herself be go during the screening of "Dances with Wolves"; Rosalia has just got married, but the same night in a night club, she is tempted by a soap opera star ; an accountant pretends to be ill just to get in good with a well meaning nurse; a family discovers that their daughter's fiancé is a transexual; a TV compere pretends to be friends with Kevin Kostner to win over a journalist who is mad for the actor; two friends exchange wild erotic tales with each other; a husband leaves his wife in the Seychelles in the arms of a "masseuse" and does not realise that it is actually a man.


Second scandalously famous collections of short Italian comedies of the 90s! All that was "fun" in those years in Italy - all here! The sea of black humor on all issues - sex, politics, mafia, crime, TV...


Scandalously famous collections of short Italian comedies of the 90s! All that was "fun" in those years in Italy - all here! The sea of black humor on all issues - sex, politics, mafia, crime, TV...


This coarse bedroom farce takes place at the St. Moritz ski resort over a Christmas vacation. Among the couples whose lives intersect are a widowed artist honeymooning with his second wife, a gay man traveling with his son and his lover (and hiding each from the other), a snobbish couple from Milan who have been forced to share a suite with a pair of crass Romans, etc.
