Nadja Zwanziger

Claudia Voss, honorary mayoress, is presented with a fait accompli when her Southern German district decides to build a refugee centre in her town. Some of the population are fuming and resistance grows, but there are equal amounts of willingness to help and empathy. Unexpectedly, the committed wife and mother attracts the attention of right-wing circles and faces attempts to intimidate her. The more Claudia Voss tries to mediate, the stronger the hostility becomes. A gripping contemporary thriller which paints a nuanced picture of the challenges brought by an increasingly polarized political reality. No exception, but instead a widespread, alarming phenomenon in today’s democratic societies.

In the small German town of Ottern, a pediatrician diagnoses "chronic sexual abuse", while examining a young girl, setting events in motion that lead to a judicial scandal of devastating proportions.

It's been 25 years since they graduated from high school or could have done it if they had not left before, made honors rounds or simply failed. Now they meet again at the class reunion, the former best of class, the former genius, the ex-class brat, the ex-class-ass, in their mid-40s, and suddenly face the people with whom they dreamed their future life , But what actually happened in the meantime?


Painting is an unacceptable vocation for a woman in provincial Germany in the year 1900, but budding artist Paula Becker is determined to make her own rules.


A strange family: 17-year-old Phil lives with his mother and twin sister in an old mansion on the outskirts of town. When he returns from summer camp, the mood in the mansion has soured somehow. Phil doesn’t worry about it, hanging out with his best friend Kat instead. When he starts to feel attracted to a mysterious new student at school, Phil is plunged into emotional turmoil only exacerbated by the trouble at home.


Alex ist Anfang 30, smart und gut aussehend, und wickelt die Frauen reihenweise um den Finger, braust danach aber genauso schnell wieder in seinem Sportwagen davon. Feste Beziehungen kennt er nicht, Teamplay kommt in seinem Wortschatz nicht vor, und „Frauen verstehen“ tun definitiv andere. Als seine diversen Gespielinnen gemeinsam Rache nehmen, kommt es zu einem erstaunlichen Ergebnis: Nach einem traumatischen Vorfall erwacht Alex in einer Welt, die nur von Frauen bevölkert ist. Schlimmer noch: Er selbst wird ebenfalls als Frau wahrgenommen. Und statt Sex wird lieber gekuschelt, Kinder bekommt man, wenn man sie sich ganz doll wünscht, es wird ganz viel geredet und kaum gestritten, alle nehmen Rücksicht aufeinander und schweben auf einer Wolke der Harmonie. Ausgerechnet jetzt entwickelt er für eine Frau Gefühle. Denn langsam aber sicher schleicht sich Paula in sein Herz. Doch wie nur soll er ihres erobern? Irgendwie muss er ihr zeigen, dass er mehr ist als ihre beste Freundin...
