Nancy Mann

A series of loosely connected skits that spoof news programs, commercials, porno films, kung-fu films, disaster films, blaxploitation films, spy films, mafia films, and the fear that somebody is watching you on the other side of the TV.


Libbie is assigned to her paper's sexual advice column, "Dear Collete". She is taking over the job of Harry a crusty old journalist who shows her the pro's and cons of the job while running on a tight deadline to get the column finished for the morning's paper. During the course of the evening they reply to a wide variety of sexual experiences submitted by the readers, some these include, sex in a threesome at a drive-in theatre, sex in a gymnasium, and sex in a library where the "Silence Please" sign gives the male librarian an advantage over the female readers.


A government space experiment into the effects of cosmic rays on animal life goes horribly wrong, creating a mutant monster that terrorizes a rural community.
