Narciso Busquets

An animated adaptation of the Charles Dickens book.


Those involved in the making of an amateur porn video end up getting slashed to death with a cane sword. It's up to the brave policewoman Eugenia aka The Scorpion (Maribel Guardia) to stop him.


Based on a real event, twelve dead bodies are found in the Tula River, we see the events that lead up to the massacre in a tale of crime, vice, corruption and sleaze.


Industrial spies are holed up in a safe-house after killing a half-dozen people to steal some data. On their way to the private airfield where their handlers are waiting to extract them, they run afoul of a small-town wedding. Unfortunately, it's the wedding of the town's chief of police.

Rich man's son in a small town thinks he can get away with anything, including rape and murder.


A professional assassin (and widowed deadbeat dad set to soon remarry) decides to call it quits and go straight after one more job. Complications ensue, particularly with a persistent police detective.


Three punk cholos in Tijuana steal cassocks from a church so they can do crimes better.

A cocker and his driver were attacked by strangers, but leave unharmed. Jesús denounces the fact to his friend Mario, mayor of San Miguel el Alto.


Mexican feature film

A British woman visits her husband at the Mexican mine he is attempting to reopen and discovers that the workers refuse to enter the mine, fearing an ancient curse. The couple enter the mine to prove there is no danger and inadvertently release a demon which possesses people's left hands and forces them to behave in a suitably diabolical manner.


A couple is attacked bu thugs and the woman is killed, the boyfriend plans his revenge.


A shady associate from the past tempts the owner of a failing nightclub into a drug-smuggling scheme.


After being released from prison, our boy just wants to go home, run his farm and live peacefully... but the local agro-robberbaron won't let him be. Remake of Pueblerina (1949).

Evil guy gratifies his ambitions and desires at any cost, and he prospers nicely. Until he doesn't.


Mexican feature film

"El Tarzan" Lira is an ex-convict who decides to give up his criminal past and reform his life. However, a corrupt policeman blackmails him leaving "El Tarzan" no other option but to continue committing robberies. Adapting the genre conventions of the film noir to the Mexican context, Ripstein's film focuses on Mexican police corruption and questions the judicial system.


A group of workers crossing the river is ambushed by rogue INS agents who intend to kill them all and plant drug on the corpse as evidence of cartel activity. One escapes, and he commits himself to helping a District Attorney collect evidence on the politicians and industrialists those agents work for.


Remake of Pueblerina (1949). Convict is released from prison and tries to pick up his life-farm-girlfriend where he left off with them. But there are obstacles.


Juan Preciado, son of Pedro Páramo, goes to Comala to claim his inheritance; but when he arrives he finds an abandoned and sinister town, inhabited by mysterious voices and whispers…


Aristocratic family in decline, ascendency of a new moneyed class.


Jorge and Aarón, two young boys growing up in a quiet town often miss classes to go together to the cinema matinee. One day they are kidnapped by robbers while traveling in a truck. After the disintegration of the band, they begin to participate in the robberies until the adventure turns into something more sinister and dangerous.


Monte law begins as a love story in September in the Mexican Revolution years. To seal their oath to love a boy and girl names recorded on a stalk. Years pass and go their separate ways, but one day the man returns to the same place where the tree meets girl turned woman and resume their love, but soon has to leave again because he has to return to the revolution


Mexico's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1976.


Highly convoluted Mexican concoction involving the titular 'Devil's Horse' and a violent son brought back to life, courtesy of the aforementioned Devil who begins straight away to be even more violent then before, this time extending his violence to women and animals.


A man named Tony is captured riding the horse of Lee Corey, a missing delivery man for a local mining company. Tony claims to have bought the horse from two men, but the sheriff believes he has murdered Corey and stolen the horse. Tony is sent to the gallows, but escapes hanging with the help of Corey's mistress and sets out to find the real killer.


Seminary students interrupts his studies for a final vacation in the real world and finds it difficult to break his worldly bonds in preparation for the pristhood.


Two best friends tragically fall in love with the same woman.


Landowner counts on his super-champeen race-horse to help him win back the hacienda he was swindled out of.


In the Old West, a gunfighter punishes the wrongdoers making justice himself, but his mother's words continue to fill his mind: "Justice is divine". Nonetheless, he goes on hanging the culprits, becoming quite famous. When a bunch of outlaws lead by a crooked landlord treats an innocent village and a beautiful girl, the time for the avenger's final mission is arrived.


Series western, adaptation of a popular comic-book.


Third movie in "Life of Christ" trilogy.


Western revenge drama.


A young woman's older brother returns home for the first time since before she was born. But... is it really him?

After his family is murdered by bandits, a young man enlists a wandering cowboy to teach him to gunsling.


Gunfighters kill all family members of farmer brothers Mario and Fernando Almada, after the tragic event, they seek revenge.


A movie divided in two segments, the first "La puerta" (The Door) is about a high society gathering in which a door inside the mansion leads to a bizarre corridor where a naked and menacing human figure appears. The second "La mujer del carnicero" (The Butcher's Wife) is set during the Mexican revolution and is about horrifying hallucinations felt by a lieutenant after committing a murder.


Five criminals are arrested after a bank-robbery. One escapes, and the police officer in charge of transporting them arrests a new person at random to cover up for his negligence.


The singer Rosa La Tequilera is besieged by a very powerful rancher who wants to get to her at all costs, but finds resistance as there is another who wants the same.

After a long journey in search of the murderer of his father, a man abuses a beautiful girl next to marry. After consummating his revenge and be rejected by the girl, the man leaves town. She is pregnant and her boyfriend prefers to let his son give antesque. The young man overcomes his macho pride and agrees to marry the helpless mother.


While waiting for a train which will take them on their honeymoon, two newlyweds, Juan and Lázara, are separated by a federal army commander who is going around enlisting men to fight against the revolutionaries. Traveling with the troops, Lázara follows Juan until he dies in a battle against the Villistas. From that moment on, the young woman's fate will be in the hands of whoever happens to win the latest contest, an uncertain fate for someone whose only wish is for a home of her own.


When his mother Dolores dies, Juan Preciado, son of Pedro Páramo, goes to Comala to claim his inheritance; but when he arrives he finds an abandoned and sinister place, inhabited by mysterious voices and whispers…


Four cowboy-heros named Juan (from their respective franchises) team up to do hero stuff. Juan sin miedo, Juan Charrasqueado, Juan Pistolas and... um... Gabino Barrera? I forget. Oh, Juan Colorado, that's it.


Federal agent infiltrates smuggling gang in seaport.


The family of a dying man celebrates his wake while the man is still alive, showing their darker, selfish ambitions and trying to take the best part of the inheritance.


A poor, but very lucky man in the cock fighting, is hired by a rich man, but both are in love with the same woman


The movie situated in post-revolutionary Mexico describes the way politics were done in those times. Ignacio Jimenez is chosen as the candidate of the Partido Radical Progresista, but he isn't so sure about it, because he knows his boss, El Caudillo has chosen another candidate. Several political moves are done between the parties, leading to a thunderous climax.


Military leader is appointed to local government, becomes overly despotic in his leadership.


Night shift at police headquarters; criminals and victims of all sorts pass through to get their cases sorted out.


Romantic triangle on the hacienda.


The film chronicles the adventures of a peasant family of the late nineteenth century to push through his work with the opposition and hatred of the rest of the villagers.


Little girl develops her maternal instincts with dolls and with an infant cousin while family tragedies erupt over and over again around her.


Historical drama about the period just before the beginning of the Mexican Revolution.


This Mexican crime melodrama was released in English-speaking communities as Another Dawn. Latin film favorite Pedro Armendariz stars as smooth-talking Octavio, chief henchman to a slain labor leader. On behalf of his fallen boss, Octavio protects a cache of valuable documents from the assassins. Along the way, he renews his relationship with ex-flame Julieta (Andrea Palma), now engaged to another man.


Biography of early-1800s Mexican priest/statesman.


British-born David T. Bamberg was a magician who went by the stage name of Fu Manchu. He was so popular in Mexico and South America that he was given the opportunity to star in a series of crime / horror / mystery films between 1943 and 1949. This is one of them.

Class conflicts between two families; one's upper-class but decaying, one's industrious middle-class on the rise. Also Christmas.

Simple small-town guy's life is turned upside-down when he seems to perform a miraculous cure for a blind man.


Suspicious husband deals with wife's supposed infidelity by making his toddler son disappear into the city's slums, where he grows to boyhood as a thief's apprentice.

Divorced mother struggles to raise her large family.


A gang of thieves has jeopardized the city and even the police, whose chief urges their forces to captured the band within 48 hours. Meanwhile, band members meet in a cafe run by a widow and her daughter and her suitor, Cantinflas, who maintains a scuffle with the robbers running all at the station. Since then, Cantinflas become a member of the police force for special missions.


A 1940 film directed by William Rowland.

Cantinflas, the boyfriend of the servant of a rich industrial man, gets into the house in order to kill a mad dog. Suddenly this man appears so the servant tells him that Cantinflas is his wife's brother (Leonardo), who had been lost for years. The rich man then remembers that his father in law's testament could only be paid when all brothers get together, so treats Cantinflas, a real bum, as a king.


All through the school-year with a teacher and his fifth-grade boys.


A blind songwriter struggles to get his work published, and meanwhile a girl he's sweet on disappears from his life when her employer puts the moves on her.

A 1938 film.
