Nataliya Vdovina

Viktor spends his free time trawling bars with ladies of questionable repute, from where he is picked up by a wife he doesn’t love, the mother of a child they never planned. Viktor himself was abandoned by his own father, his mother then committed suicide, and he was left to grow up in an orphanage. Years later, his errant dad returns, now a disabled felon, and Viktor discovers a timely legacy is in the offing – his father’s apartment. The documentation for securing dad’s move into an old people’s home is signed in a flash. Nevertheless, the only one that can take him is miles away and, what’s more, the invalid starts to recuperate during the journey, which is when their real problems begin.


The 17-year-old Savva is getting ready to enrol at university. His parents go on vacation, conferring the responsibility for preparing the entrance exams onto the son. Savva finds a foreign literature teacher on the Internet site “Your Tutor”.


Ivan, a successful oncologist who has created a cure for cancer, discovers suddenly that by an ironical twist of fate he is terminally ill. He realizes that he has one chance to correct the mistake he made a long time ago, and leaves his family to go to another city to the woman he loved all his life, hoping to spend the last night with her...


Few not connected novels about the love. Few couples falling in love in different places of post USSR: Moscow, Georgia, Armenia.


Karen Magikyan is almost 50 years old. He is the head of the family and the father of three daughters. At this age, people do not change. He has long formulated laws and rules by which he lives, and is not going to break anything. It seems to him that for the last 10-15 years he has not changed a bit, he has not aged a bit. Moreover, he considers himself to be quite a modern person, although he has a mobile phone with a black and white screen and no email. This, by the way, is especially annoying to him - why everyone is going crazy about these gadgets, iPads, iPhones. Why is the younger daughter, after returning from school, immediately goes to the Internet, and not kiss her father? To “communicate” is to sit at the table, drink wine and talk, and not stare at the computer screen and spoil your eyes. He does not understand modern relationships. How can a daughter stay overnight when they are not married? And he does not care about the assurances of his wife that "now everyone is doing this." Let everyone do that, but not in his family! He is Caucasian, he has principles! Karen - The Last of the Magikians. And not only because he has three daughters, and an heir at that age is clearly not foreseen. He is a representative of an endangered species of people who have never spoken on Skype, for whom a letter is a paper written in letters in an envelope, and most importantly, who do not bend under a changing world, because “now it’s accepted” and “you live in the 21st century ". Younger viewers should recognize their parents in him, older viewers should recognize themselves in him.


An assassination attempt is being made on a prominent businessman Stanislav Volny. He miraculously survives, he is picked up by the descending woman Lyuska. Stanislav decides not to tell anyone that he has survived. He himself wants to understand what happened and calculate the customer. Starting an independent investigation, he realizes that the roots of the crime go back to his past. Stanislav is to blame for his wife Nina, whom he once forced to get rid of their child, and since then Nina can not have children. And Stanislav managed to have a young lover - model Larisa - and decided to leave his wife to marry a model ...

Michal Michalych who almost felt like "had it all" suddenly meets a young girl who never ate "crawfishlike"...


Это история благополучной с виду семьи, состоящей из отца, матери и их недавно повзрослевшей дочери. Однажды, во время семейного ужина, они знакомятся с человеком, который случайным образом связан со скелетом, хранящимся в их семейном шкафу. Эта встреча резко меняет их жизнь, и теперь чувствам отца и матери предстоит серьезная проверка. Но какими бы тяжелыми не были их взаимные признания, эти события позволят им разглядеть что-то очень важное рядом с собой, что долгое время оставалось незаметным.

Thirty-year-old business woman Lena Chistyakova, a formidable boss for his subordinates. The unflattering nickname "Mymra" fully corresponds to her image of a strong woman and an old maid. In accordance with the medical prescription, she makes a strong-willed decision to give birth to a child. To perform this task, Mymra arranges monitoring of subordinates in order to identify the most suitable candidate. The search for a candidate for the role of father unexpectedly ends with a random meeting with a former classmate Sergei Krylov, a successful, beautiful man, in the Prime of his life. But to like the ideal candidate, Lena Chistyakova first of all need to get rid of his unflattering nickname. To fulfill the mission of conception, Mymra takes a sabbatical at work and is hired as a housekeeper to the unsuspecting Sergei. Mastering the basics of the household in the field, Mymra comprehends a new science — how to be a modern woman.


Mitya Klimov is a student of Stroganovka. In his free time, he moonlights as an instant artist (portrait in a minute). He accidentally meets a lovely girl Lena, whose portrait he painted on the street. Their next meeting took place in the gallery of his father, the famous artist Yuri Shamanov, where the birthday of his sister Natalia was celebrated. At the time of the trip, Mitya, entering the utility room, saw the corpse of Jeanne, Natalya’s girlfriend, and then he himself received a blow to the head ...

19 year old Wojtek lives in a poverty stricken Polish town. He is in love with an older woman, an illegal emigrant from Ukraine. He boxes in illegal matches to get money and is spotted by a man running a security business. Accepting this man's offer means becoming a gangster, but this could allow him to a residence permit for his girlfriend Katya.


A desperate woman finds a hitman and orders her own murder.


A story of two Russian boys whose father suddenly returns home after a 12-year absence. He takes the boys on a holiday to a remote island on a lake that turns into a test of manhood of almost mythic proportions.


The story of four friends, former fellow soldiers from Afghanistan, who meet on the eve of Victory Day to see off a comrade on his last journey.
