Natalya Shchukina

Lovelace Petr arrives for a housewarming party in a new house with his parents, where he meets Polina and falls in love with her. The girl is not affected by the tricks of the young man, which he always used in relation to others. Peter is perplexed and uses all possible ways to achieve her location. Everything is complicated by the sudden arrival of a strange type, who claims to have come to his aunt and this house of their family. When good-natured tenants let him in to find out what is happening, he tells them that there is an old treasure in the wall of the house.

Clinging by any means to the opportunity to live and work in a big city, a young tabloid press representative destroys the “object” of her first reportage with a stream of lies and dirt.

Olya is a crazy girl who escaped from an orphanage. Maxim is a blind guy, tired of the quirks of a rich father. By chance meeting, the guys decide to drop everything and go to sea. Why not - Maxim's father has money, Olya has a crazy craving for adventure. They are young and want freedom, they only see it in their own way. But this makes the journey only brighter and more fun!

The main character is a cute ambitious girl Rita from a provincial town on the Black Sea coast. She decides to break out of the routine of doing local weddings and matinees and arrives to conquer the capital, trying to enroll in a drama school. She is waiting for a lot of difficult tests, which sometimes turn into very funny stories.


The new series of CTC, which will continue the story of the hit comedy "Kitchen". Chef Victor Barinov retired and Eleanor Andreevna met the man of her dreams and moved to St. Petersburg - this ended the final season of "Kitchen". But life in the hotel and the restaurant continues: Michael Dzhekovich still responsible for order in the "Eleon" chef Victor restaurant appointed Senya, and her daughter gets an unexpected boost, which is not pleased with the bone. Everything goes on as usual, while the hotel is not headed by Paul - unlucky nephew of former mistress. In order not to disappoint Aunt and save the business, he entices Brussels Supermenedzher Sofia Tolstaya. New management sets its own rules, and now the hotel is waiting for major changes that overturned upside down not only the habitual way of "Eleon", but the characters and personal plans.


The continuation of a funny adventures of the heroes from "All Inclusive ili Vsyo Vklyucheno" (2011).


Русь. Времена неизвестны. Однажды по дороге в гости к тётке Ефросинье красавица Алёнушка попадает в дупло чудесного дерева, где таинственная незнакомка дарит ей волшебные яблоки. Не зная их магической силы, Алёна приносит их в терем царя Дормидонта. А в это время его дочка, царевна Всеслава занята тем, что строит новые самоходные машины и крылолёты, которые во время испытаний все время сваливаются на избушку красавца-музыканта Ерёмы. Так Алёна знакомится с Ерёмой и влюбляется в него. Но тут в историю их любви вплетаются магия и волшебство. Сама не ведая того, Алёна заколдовывает парня: надкусив волшебное яблоко, он влюбляется в… царевну! Что сделает Алёнушка, чтобы вернуть свою любовь?


Initially, all the events take place in Moscow, where the main character Dima accidentally ends up in a casino after a series of failures. And then he starts to get lucky. First, he wins a million and a chic car, and then unexpectedly Dima is invited by his old friend from St. Petersburg to celebrate the New Year. On the new car, the main character of the film rushes towards the northern capital, but in the middle of the road, near Valdai, his watchful car policeman Pavel stops him. Dima, trying to melt the heart of a law enforcement officer, tells Pavel a touching story about his beloved, who lives in the small town of Valdai. However, the randomly named address turns out to be the address where Paul himself lives. Shocked traffic cop arranges a confrontation with the so-called "lovers."

In the beginning of a new century the capital of Russia is just amazing and full of poets, beautiful women and arts...


The movie is about an old disabled lady who lives with her spinster daughter. The lady desperately wants her daughter to marry, and the daughter, driven by the supposed imminent death of her mother, invites a total stranger home and introduces him as her boyfriend. The man and the prospective mother-in-law eventually start to like each other, and he makes every effort to be liked by the daughter. With the intervention of a fantasy granddaughter, quasi-miraculous healing, and a lot of hilarious repartee in between, the movie has a happy ending.


A wife finds her life transformed after a torrid affair in this story of murder. Katia is a rather dull young woman who types manuscripts for Irina, her husband’s mother and successful writer of romance novels. Katia’s husband is a real momma’s boy. They go to Irina’s summer house to work. There Katia encounters the intense and sexy Serguei who creates passionate longings with in her. Overcome she and Serguei engage in vigorous love-making upon a windowsill where Irina sees them. Irina has a weak heart. Quiet Katia, having rediscovered the joys of sex, changes and becomes more assertive and flighty. Serguei quickly loses interest in her. Strange and deadly things begin happening at the summer house which calls the attention of a judge who is extremely familiar with Irina’s writing.


A young Russian store clerk has a drab existence in times of shortages and is berated by her ailing mother for not seeing men. So she brings home an unknown young man who she met on the tram. She dreams many things but pines for this man.


In the new Russia, former middle class citizens find themselves out in the dumps. Literally. They build homes, elect their own government, work, beg, scavenge, date and fight all while living in a huge city dump. Some try to beat the odds and return to society, but it seems that there is only one place left for them to go...


In April, 1990 the group of the French cinematographers comes to the Soviet Union to shoot here the erotic movie.


The action takes place in Leningrad n the time of "perestroika" during the 1980's. Tatyana is a beautiful Russian nurse who is underpaid at her hospital job, so she becomes a prostitute catering to international tourists. She becomes well paid in dollars, and helps her ailing mother survive. Tatyana's international clients tell her about the life in other countries, so she accepts a marriage in order to escape from the grim Soviet reality. Even though she is married to a decent man abroad, she still suffers being labeled an ex-Soviet prostitute, and her new life is full of new troubles.


The film is based on the novel by Vyacheslav Kondratyev "Vacation by Wound." The story of the few weeks that young lieutenant Volodya spent in Moscow in the summer of 1942 after treatment at the hospital. Directly from the Rzhev Front with a bandaged hand, in a bloodstained padded jacket and tattered boots, he goes on vacation to his mother in the capital. Here, at the height of the war, almost peaceful life is going on - lines for vodka and beer, restaurants for the aristocracy of nomenclature, parties, girls... It’s another month for Volodya to live an ordinary life in Moscow, in a peaceful city in which everything is alien to him.


Late one evening in Moscow in 1937, Defence Counsel Sedov hears a knock at the door. Three women whose agronomist husbands have been sentenced to death for alleged sabotage beg him to take on the seemingly hopeless task of saving them. Sedov embarks upon a succession of encounters with increasingly powerful officials, gradually persuading them to look at the case anew. But the highest authorities are not so easily outmanoeuvered, and Sedov becomes canonised as a Stalinist zealot, with the film building inexorably to its chilling triple climax.


Four school graduates congratulate their teacher of mathematics Yelena Sergeyevna on her birthday and ask her to return them their graduate works on mathematics in order to change them before the marks. Yelena Sergeyevna strongly objects...


A boy falls in love with the girl whose injuries he is responsible for...