Natalya Tetenova

Alla devoted most of her life to her ex-husbands, son and daughter. She works as a tutor while continuing to support her adult children and husbands. Relatives come to her for lunch every day, not at all interested in Alla herself. In one of these family dinners, choking on potatoes, Alla almost dies, but "relatives" do not even notice this.

Crises happen in any relationship. The most romantic day of the year has prepared serious challenges for the heroes. Will they find the strength to cope? Or will they be scared and disperse? The film is about the fact that true love is able to conquer everything, even if Cupid's arrow accidentally hit the wrong place.

A knock on your door sets in motion the feeling of anxiety. Should you open? Who, or what, will you encounter if you do? The characters of this continuous-shot anthology film – a billionaire, a commercial pilot, a trainee police officer, and a young single mother – find themselves in critical situations, facing the unknown. To make the right choice they must look deep within themselves, and recognize the true source of their fears.


Five novels about a radio network in our life. Someone use it as a tool for influence, someone for an expression of feelings and someone just for cynical calculation.


A film about love and loneliness; about family ties and responsibility, hope and its illusoriness.

A chronicle of the life of an illiterate Russian peasant woman between 1909 and 1921, focusing on her private life and major historic events in the country.


Ilya works as a trauma surgeon in a hospital. In the transition, he saves the life of a man who is trying to get compensation from a surgeon for broken ribs. This is the lesser of the doctor’s troubles. Saving the life of one of the patients, Ilya has to marry the girl while she is sleeping. With good intentions, the protagonist hides the official’s son in the hospital to knock out the latest equipment, but when the fraud is revealed, Ilya is kicked out and deprived of his license. In the maelstrom of events, Ilya does not lose his humor and self-confidence and challenges all troubles in spite of his enemies.
