Natsumi Ishibashi

A humorous and bitter depiction of the real worries, impatience, and anger of a woman living in these times. Follow the love, career and sex lives of 29-year-old single women who try to survive in modern Tokyo.

This is a work depicting a man suffering from dissociative identity disorder, who is different on each day of the week, from the perspective of "I" on Tuesday.

On a gloomy Monday morning, my week begins. Although I (Bakarhythm) am sleepy, I put on my make-up and I leave home for work at a bank. I take the subway filled with passengers and get off on the nearest subway station from work. I meet Maki Fujikawa (Kaho) at that subway station. She is my closest colleague at work. While talking with each other, we get to our workplace.


Kumiko and Kenichi meet in college and build a happy marriage together. But over time, an unusual problem threatens to destroy their relationship.


Lurking among us are the Horrors, ancient enemies of our kind. Holding the line against them, down through the ages, are the Makai Knights. Assuming the aspect of Golden Knight Garo, Raiga Saezima has vanquished one such demonic creature, but his magical armour has been tainted with evil. Furthermore, a Knight of the dark has materialized, and taken hold of Mayuri, so dear to Raiga. If he hopes to rescue her, Raiga must board a mysterious train destined for the netherworld. As he advances through the cars of this train, Raiga comes ever closer to confronting his own hidden truths…


Botan Dōrō is a Japanese ghost story that is both romantic and horrific; it is one of the most famous kaidan in Japan. The plot involves sex with the dead and the consequences of loving a ghost.