Ned Hourani

Two kids with martial arts training and their black belt father rescue a professor from gangsters who want a stone tablet that she has discovered may lead to untold riches.


The producers of the Black Cobra series create an odd patch work film out of out takes and reused footage. A gang of terrorists kidnap an electronics engineer, hold him hostage, and demand he create a security system for their compound.


Max, a prize boxer who has developed a drinking habit after his girlfriend Susan left him, gets involved in dirty business once she asks him to help her find her missing husband.


Shipment of American weapons is stolen in the Philippines. An American named Hawkins tries to find the weapons. Hawkins ends up dead. Chicago policeman Bob Malone is called in to investigate. Along with Interpol agent Greg Duncan, Malone travels the streets of Manila, tracking down leads. Criminals always seem to know where Duncan and Malone will be, which leads them to suspect a traitor in their midst.


Steve, a young kickboxer, returns home to find his parents have been brutalized by a gang of martial artists. When the cops can't find any answers, Steve decides to kickbox his way to savage justice. No thug on the streets is safe!


A Miami cop learns that her father, who was the sheriff of her small hometown, has been murdered by an armed gang that has taken over the town. She brings four of her Miami cop friends to help clean out the town.


Jake Ray gives up his title after killing a man in the ring. When Jake goes to Manila to help an old friend, trouble awaits him! After fending off multiple attacks, Jake is finally captured and chained to a half a dozen martial arts champions. Taken to an island fortress, they are forced to battle chemically-stimulated killers in fights to the death. To win - and to live - it will take every ounce of strength and skill in their martial arts arsenal


Chicago cop Robert Malone (Fred Williamson) finds himself in The Philippines, ostensibly to learn the techniques of Interpol. Before he exits the Manila airport, his wallet is stolen by a pickpocket. Malone endures a testy relationship with his new colleague Kevin McCall while evidence surrounding the stolen wallet pulls both of them deeper and deeper into a web of intrigue.


To avenge the brutal murder of his brother, Jake Ray journeys to the Philippines, where his search for truth finds him battling both in and out of the ring. But the weapons are always the same: bare fists, bare feet. And the rules never change: last man standing wins.
