Neil Fletcher

After her husband dies of mysterious circumstances, a widow becomes increasingly paranoid of the neighboring religious community that may have diabolical plans for her.


Tommy Kirk leads his fellow Martians to Earth on an interplanetary quest for females. Kirk proves that Martians have impeccable taste when one of his first conquests turns out to be sexy scientist Yvonne Craig.


The last seven survivors of a nuclear war barricade themselves against an attack by a mutant cannibal.


A resort hypnotist and his assistant predict murders, which she then commits as a fanged monster.


Western by Larry Buchanan.


A misguided scientist enables an alien from Venus named Zontar to come to earth in order to help solve man's problems...


A pilot testing an experimental new rocket powered craft manages to fly into the future and land at the now deserted airbase he left. He ends up in a city with people who are suspicious he is a spy and who want to keep him to procreate with the rulers daughter because the majority of the inhabitants are sterile. He manages to escape and return to his own time but ages dramatically.
