Nela Eržišnik

Beautiful but ailing girl is married to a harsh man who doesn't care for her. Only after she dies does he realize that he actually loves her.


Martin and his girlfriend Zorica are two students who live as subtenants in separate flats. Since that situation has devastating effect on their love life, they yearn after the place of their own. When Martin's landlords go to the hollidays, it seems that their prayers, at least temporarily, had been listened to. However, the idilla is very short one, because other people also want to use the situation.


The movie is based on true events that occured in Croatian city of Karlovac in 1941. In order to save the imprisoned high ranking member of the resistance movement, the group of Partizans are conducting daring raid in the very center of the enemy stronghold.


A bus and a truck are moving towards each other along a two-way traffic highway on a rainy day. At the very beginning we learn that a reckless driver of another car will cause them to collide while trying to pass the bus; we even learn what seats will spell doom for their occupants. The rest of the movie follows two streams of events on the bus and on the truck, getting us to know and like a wide variety of characters, wondering which ones will end up being casualties and holding breath for our favourites. The epilogue brings some more surprises...


An one-legged engineer of hydro construction, a war veteran meets a blind girl in a mountain sanatorium of Ophthalmology during winter. She's waiting for a surgery that will restore her eyesight. Soon the two fall in love with each other, but he feels unpleasant because of his handicap she's yet aware of.


Due to negligence that caused the death of a family cow, an extremely poor but handsome young man Iva must obey his father's demands to marry an unattractive and limping daughter of wealthy villagers.


Engineer and leftist illegal Neven Novak runs away from a train in which Ustashas transport their prisoners to the prison camp Jasenovac. He returns to Zagreb and tries to save his son Zoran from an orphanage. During his stay in the orphanage, Zoran was indoctrinated with fascist ideology. When he realizes that his father is an enemy of the regime, he refuses to escape with Zoran to the Partisans' territory. Novak faces his son's antagonism and the police that chase after them.


A man wakes up in his grave and realizes that he's been buried alive. He gets up and arrives home only to find out that his wife and relatives threw a party instead of mourning, looking forward to his big inheritance.


A story about piano that changes many owners through the decades, now in the possession of girl who tries to master the instrument.


A young boy, Ive, and his friends set sail on the sea in order to try and repay his father's debts. They name their boat "Sinji galeb". Soon, the pirate Lorenco and his gang notice the children on their boat.
