Ng Yin

During the construction of luxury apartment buildings a huge nest of thousands of snakes is discovered. Francis Chang (the boss) refuses to delay the construction and orders to kill all the animals. He is repeated warned by his wife, who had some nightmares concerning him and the snakes. They do not manage to kill all snakes and so they take revenge on the construction workers and Francis Chang. Soon thousands of killer snakes under the lead of a giant Boa invades the building an kill all the new inhabitants. Even a snake master can't stop them.


Early ghost comedy from Cinema City.


A girl gives birth to an owl creature and this monster rallies all its furry friends into a bloody revolt against the humans for their savage behavior.


Intrigue involving corrupt warlords and rebel spies in the Chinese provinces. Rebels take on the warlord power with brains and fearlessness.

Yunpeng and his servant stay at a country inn one dark evening to escape potential robbers and ghosts. But Yunpeng chances into something far more dangerous! He accidentally happens upon the comely Anu naked in bed, and to make up for his rudeness he has to marry her. Because of her beauty, the request is not too difficult to fulfill...until she is introduced to his aunts and uncles, who notice her ghastly green glow and deduce that she's a spirit from the netherworld. But there's something even darker about her appearance, and it may be revenge on his in-laws.


A melodrama about the blossoming love between two music students returning home from abroad and planning to wed. However, both of their parents don't know about it and when they find out, all bliss blasts away as social gaps become an issue.

Mysterious songstress Fang Biyu is loved by two brothers, Qiwei and Qijun. After freeing herself from the clutches of gangsters, she gives her heart to Qiwei. Tragedy comes knocking on the door when one of the gangsters comes out of prison, and Qiwei dies in a car accident. Blamed for her husband's death, Biyu is forced to go back to singing to make a living, but hopes to reunite with her son and return to the family one day.


A gripping drama about a seductive woman with three men in her life: a rich husband ; a sexy playboy, and a sensitive intellectual. That two of her lovers are brothers further complicates the story.
