Nicole Courcel

Milady De Winter, a beautiful femme fatale without scruples, plays with the feelings of her suitors. And sometimes very dangerously.


Based on an actual Cold War incident in which a Ukrainian prisoner of conscience was forced to defend his Christian faith while under Soviet interrogation


Charles Moreau, general practitioner, and Hélène, his wife, have four girls aged 11 to 20 years. The eldest, Claire, plays the piano when she does not let her mind indulge in solitary reverie. Bernadette has a real passion for horses, while Cecile, the youngest, plays from a young age to realize all her whims. As for Pauline, at the age of 17, she decided that she would become a novelist. So she writes a book telling the story of family life. One day, when she comes out of high school, she meets Pierre, a penniless painter, from whom she immediately falls.


A Parisian teacher (Lino Ventura) loses his cool when his teenage daughter tells him she plans to drop out of school and move in with her boyfriend.


When they realize the times are changing, five crooks decide to switch from bank robberies to personality abductions.


Unhappy women are being murdered by Emile, a psychotic young man suffering from the delusion that his acts are mercy killings. The detective assigned to track down the killer resorts to seriously unorthodox and even unethical methods to get his man.


An unusual World War II crime thriller about a Nazi investigation into the murder of a prostitute. Major Grau finds himself focusing on three suspects: the Generals Tanz, Kahlenberg and Seydlitz-Gabler – all three of whom, it seems, are also involved in a plot to kill Hitler


Roaring across the danger zone of europe...A sealed international express, with a human cargo that can explode a continent!


The tragic story of a young orphan girl who is befriended by an innocent but emotionally disabled veteran of the French Indochina War.


The former Belgian Congo was a popular topic for French-speaking filmmakers in the early '60s since the country was in the process of consolidating an independent government. Unfortunately, decades later the country (Zaire for a long time), was still unstable. In this routine drama two Congolese men, two European men, and one Euro woman are thrown together as they all try to escape the areas of fighting. The Europeans are torn between going back home or staying. One fellow lost his business in the upheavals and though he and the woman are involved with each other, she is not so certain that the Congo is an ideal place to try to re-establish a livelihood.


Marching down the Italian peninsula to sack ancient Rome, Etruscan warrior Drusco instead offers to hold back his onslaught if the Romans hand over hostages, including Clelia, the sexy leader of a clan of woman warriors. But before long, intrigue and betrayal unravel the fragile peace. Directors Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia and Vittorio Cottafavi helm this vintage sword-and-sandal epic.


Les amours de Paris focuses on three disparate couples and their problems in the arena of romantic love. One couple is comprised of a faithful husband and a sick wife whose stay in the hospital is not so bad because she has taken a sudden interest in her doctor. In the second pairing, a womanizer comes to see that the model who is in love with him is worth more than yet another conquest. And to complete the trio, two zany people finally realize they are a couple.

Outside time and reality, the experiences of a poet. The judgement of the young poet by Heurtebise and the Princess, the Gypsies, the palace of Pallas Athena, the spear of the Goddess which pierces the poet's heart, the temptation of the Sphinx, the flight of Oedipus and the final Assumption. This film is the third part of Cocteau's Orphic Trilogy, which consists of The Blood of a Poet (1930), Orpheus (1950) and Testament of Orpheus (1960).


Le passage du Rhin (original title). Following the defeat of France by Germany during WWII, two French soldiers are taken to a German farm as forced laborers.


Le Cas Du Dr. Laurent (The Case of Dr. Laurent) stars Jean Gabin as a Paris-based doctor who tries to spread the gospel of Natural Childbirth. Working in a cloistered rural community, Gabin runs up against the stone walls of fear and prejudice. His theories are proven sound when unwed mother Nicole Courcel gives birth within Gabin's methodology. The childbirth sequence is filmed straight-on with a delicate combination of taste and frankness. Nonetheless, the lurid ad campaign of Cas Du Dr. Laurent sensationalized this sequence all out of proportion.


A remake of a pre-war French film success, Club de femmes is a seriocomedy centralized in an all-female boarding house. Forced to band together because of a housing shortage, the film's heroines set up camp in a deserted structure, despite the tongue-cluckings of local busybodies and do-gooders. Complications ensue when a huge corporation announces plans to raze the building and erect a factory. Amazingly, the ladies are saved by the very company that wants to evict them.


Brulard, a French civil engineer on assignment in Sweden for a lumber company meets Ina, a local nature-girl type, falls in love, has an affair, tries to convert her to "civilization", but ends up getting her killed by superstitious villagers instead.


Robert Langlois is now married to Catherine, the former housemaid. And they would live happily ever after if the housing crisis did not force them to live together with Gabrielle and Fernand, Robert's parents. For, despite the good will on either side, tension soon arises. What else to expect when there is too little space in their Montmartre apartment for four people (then for six then eight, the couple having... two pairs of twins!) ; the continued presence there of Fernand (who loves peace and quiet) after he is driven to retirement ; the difficult beginnings of Robert as a lawyer in a room of the apartment, etc... Other troubles follow and the harried family is on the verge of implosion...


The scene is a tawdry hotel room in Limbo, where several damned souls are gathered. At first, the group fails to comprehend where they are or why they're there. When the horrible truth dawns upon them, they carp and snipe at one another, blaming everyone but themselves for their dismal fate.


Witty narration follows the history of Versailles Palace; founded by Louis XIII, enlarged by autocratic Louis XIV, whose personal affairs and amours, and those of his two successors, are followed in more detail to the start of the Revolution, after which the story is brought rapidly up to date. A huge cast plays mainly historical persons who appear briefly.


In this French crime drama, a young man gets revenge upon the criminals who caused his grandfather to kill himself. Unfortunately, the fellow doesn't realize how bad the criminals are. Fortunately, a kindly hooker, who does know the crooks, saves him from the same fate.


Back from the war, Marceau Le Guern remembers. Educated in an orphanage run by Dominican brothers, he fell into misery when he left it. His only asset was his good looks, which did not escape the attention of Madame Alice, a shady woman who persuaded him to pose for pornographic photos meant for lonely aging women. Marceau also served as a gigolo before the war and captivity put an end to this juicy business. Now he wants to start a new life, all the more as ha has found love in the person of a pure young lady named Dominique. But Madame Alice won't hear of it...


Jean Michaut is a bargeman who lives nearby an old barge cemetery named "Bras-Mort". He is in love with Monique, the daughter of a wealthy boat owner. The girl returns his affection but runs her head against the wall of her family's class prejudices. Her "nearest and dearest" prove indeed prepared to do everything to separate the two lovers. But Monique will not buy in. On the contrary, she leaves her intolerant family to live with Jean among simple, more tolerant bargemen.


Henri Chatelard is well in his forties, owns a restaurant and a cinema in the city, and appreciate women. When he meets Marie, a 18ish stronghead who just lost her father in a small fishermen village, it is not clear who is the hunter and who is the prey.


Hopes and love and ambitions and friendship in a group of young jazz-loving Parisians.


A beautiful young pianist falls for her mentor.


She's working in a big store, he's a typographer and they lost their winning lottery ticket.
