Nikita Elenev

Seventeen-year-old Artyom is invisible in the family and a rebel in the technical school. He has a best friend, Kostya, and they do all the provocations and tricks together. When the management of the technical school compiles an unofficial list of dangerous teenagers - "explosives", Kostya, by pure chance, falls into the first place, which makes him popular among other students. Kostya revels in interest in himself - and betrays his friend, convincing his classmates that he, Kostya, is the main and only inspirer of all their antics. Then Artyom decides to prove who the “number one bomber” is really here. But on his way, a girl, Kira, unexpectedly appears, who is able to influence his dangerous plan.

Abstraction about love and search, oblivion and rebirth. The story unfolds in a conventional space that vaguely resembles our world - one scene smoothly changes into another, and with it the characters of the characters and their relationships, music and visual images change.

The creator of the best virtual reality games is convinced that in reality everyone and everything is controlled, but a chance meeting with a young activist opens his eyes to the fact that the world is much wider and more complicated than anything that he knows and understands about it.


The action unfolds in our days, in the small Volga town of Kalinov, where nothing has changed since the days of Alexander Ostrovsky’s classical play: if any rays of light do appear in the dark empire, then they are doomed to perish quietly in the general absurdity and ignorance, or shine brightly as a token of protest against lie and tyranny. The young, married girl Katerina Kabanova leads a happy life — at first sight. Only her mother-in-law Kabanikha constantly nags her and does not allow her to take things easy. Her weak-willed husband Tikhon loves his wife, but he always sides with his powerful mother. When Katerina unexpectedly falls in love with Boris, the young relative of the town’s mayor, she finds that he also has tender feelings for her…


For Vova Myshkin nothing holds together. His girlfriend leaves him, he has a massive loan, he has to vacate his apartment, and here on the threshold stands his older brother who has just been released from prison.

Heroes call a taxi to throw out the accumulated. The new mobile psychologist service is gaining popularity as the feeling of loneliness, longing and meaninglessness of life grows with the passengers of the future. With this set, “patients” sit in the car to the silent driver, one of whom confesses: “Sometimes I feel like a robot. But not more often than ordinary people. ”


They have been abandoned in a world adorned with concepts such as family, friendship, love, and opportunities. In search of answers to their questions, they devour themselves like a chemical substance that corrodes the world around, in order to eventually learn not to listen but to hear, not to look but to see. And to find their way.


There is an urban legend that a seat in the local cinema theater is cursed and whoever takes it ends up dead. A group of high school friends start to believe the legend when some mysterious deaths occur after a day of skipping school at the cinema. The police begin their investigation while the teenagers start to suspect each other.


Creative search for 20 year old heroes. Trauma as exhaustion or trauma as inspiration and the basis of creative impulse? Get out of a violent relationship and find self-confidence - is it possible? The story of two girls in modern Moscow.

An evil Mermaid falls in love with Marina's fiancé Roman and aims to keep him away from Marina in her Kingdom of Death under water. The Mermaid is a young woman who drowned a few centuries ago. Marina only has one week to overcome her fear of the dark water, to remain human in the deathly fight with the monsters and not to become one herself.


Leningrad, one summer in the early eighties. Smuggling LP’s by Lou Reed and David Bowie, the underground rock scene is boiling ahead of the Perestroika. Mike and his beautiful wife Natasha meet with young Viktor Tsoï. Together with friends, they will change the destiny of rock’n’roll in the Soviet Union.


In Moscow a Chinese girl is looking for her love, ideal, dream… OK, in reality she is looking for someone to go to bed with. But for some reason nothing works out – neither with the best friend, nor with a girl, nor with a stranger whom she met over the Internet. Can she herself be the reason? Russian is not her native language, perhaps they misunderstand her? Whom does she address in every issue of her video blog? What is in the picture which she hides from everybody? What does the character “” mean?


The talented and autistic maths student Sergei inherits from his grandfather a mysterious album with cryptic formulae. They help Sergei create a smartphone app allowing normal people to use magic – but then a most real imp comes to claim the album...

The protagonist Red realises that his best friend Alex is betrayed by his girl Lilly. Trying to expose Lilly, Red learns the truth, and now he not only has to get rid of the girl, but also save Alex, sacrificing the most valuable thing: their friendship.