Nikita Emshanov

Black comedy about the routine of a large corporation, producing chocolate bars. The claustrophobic office space and its dwellers are part of a funny and grotesque picture. The main character, young man from the marketing department, tries to find his stolen car with the help of militia and head of a local gang. He confronts a chaotic life of a small provincial town outside his office, trying to guess its laws. As a result, he fails to fulfill the task of his American boss, and finds his Ford painted and rebuilt as a street-racer's car. Of course, his personal life also changes...


The owner of nightclubs Oleg Barinov, on his way to work, calls in the district library to give away unnecessary books, which he has accumulated a lot at home, and education does not allow him to throw them in the trash. In the library, he meets Alla, a plain-looking, inconspicuous girl librarian who at first does not make the slightest impression on him. He is not up to Alla: Barinov has a lot of problems - one of the city gangs insists on drug trafficking in Barinov’s clubs. Barinov does not agree, the bandits threaten his partner and he goes out of business.

Tchernobyl, 1986, a few hours before the disaster. Piotr and Anya's wedding is interrupted by a fire at the power station.


Kostya is 23. He is an underground railway driver’s assistant. One day the doctor says that Kostya has the heart disease: he can die any moment… Kostya decides not to tell anybody about his disease. He tries to live the same way as he lived before his illness was diagnosed. But he keeps thinking about the meaning of life.


In present-day Moscow ghosts of three little girls killed by their insane mother randomly pick a person to watch over for a three days. If during this "probation period" person's moral standards appear not to be high enough The Daughters then kill him using telekinesis.
