Nikolai Barmin

In May 1941, a young instructor of the Komsomol Regional Committee of Belovezhskaya Pushcha Andrei Dyomushkin was invited to the graduation party of the Moscow Theatre School to create a professional theatre in the city. The war has crossed out all plans. Now he, along with the course of graduates, will have to go through the war and be the commander of the front acting fraternity in the current army "A Special Unit"...

The plot of the film is based on real events of the Great Patriotic War. When the Nazis occupied Crimea, the actors of the drama theater of the city of Simferopol entered the underground group Sokol. The activities of the underground members were diverse: they put up leaflets with information from Soviet Information Bureau, compiled maps showing the strategic objects of the enemy, and supplied the partisans with medicines. On April 10, 1944, 3 days before the liberation of Simferopol, the underground members died from enemy bullets — they were shot on the outskirts of the city.


Based on the novel by Vasiliy Shukshin "The Lyubavins". In the winter of 1922, the Rodionovs, Vasily Platonovich and his nephew Kuzma, came to the remote Siberian village of Baklan, disguised as teachers sent from the district center to organize and build a school. In fact, this is an old Bolshevik and a young worker, authorized by the GPU, and their main task is to find out the whereabouts of a large and very dangerous gang, led by a former Kolchak officer, who instills fear in local residents.

Based on the novel of the same name by Grigory Svirsky. 1942 year. The Great Patriotic War. The navigator Bratnov was shot down during the war, was captured, fled, returned to his people, was demoted and sent to serve in the construction battalion. His old front-line comrade Major Kabarov accidentally met him and took him to his unit. Kabanov, knowing about the lack of experienced navigators, is seeking to transfer Bratnov to his air force in the Northern Fleet, in the Arctic, to a tiny rocky island — "to the ends of the world."

The action takes place in Siberia where a mysterious wall appears from time to time. Scientists are dispatched to study it and some of them believe that the wall is produced by some sort of alien intelligence, "the Martians", as they call them. The scientists attempt to communicate with the Wall, but all they experience in return are hallucinations about their past experiences. In those visions they are faced with some unresolved issues, repressed memories, and absurd dream-like situations. They meet people – messengers – from their past who reveal to them some simple truths about their own lives, which may be hard to accept, so they dismiss those messengers as the Martians and stubbornly continue attempting to "understand" the Mysterious Wall using their rational minds.


All the years spent behind the school bench, they were devoted to the dream of flying. And now they are again students, but they are solving completely different problems. Three young daredevils conquer the sky, forgetting about earthly problems and disputes. But the everyday life of test pilots of supersonic fighters is unpredictable and dangerous. A routine training flight overnight can be a harsh test of courage for them. Today, future aces will face a difficult exam, for which life itself will put a mark.


General Zhuravlev fought on the fronts of World War II, and is now designing spacecraft. Sending a rocket with astronaut Borodin on the flight, he recalls the namesake of the astronaut - a young tankman whom he had the chance to meet on the roads of war ...


Based on the novel of the same name by Aleksandr Lukin and Dmitriy Polyanovskiy. Russia, 1919. A young soldier of the First Cavalry Army, Aleksei Mikhalyov, is sent to work in the provincial Cheka. Here in the south of the country there is a large White Guard underground led by the elusive Markov. Aleksei gets into the gang, where he is mistaken for his own. The day of the operation to eliminate the white underground is appointed. But unforeseen circumstances destroy the plans of the Chekists.


During World War II, оld Georgian peasant wine-grower Georgy leaves his Georgian village and goes off to the front line, hoping to find his son. George should see and transfer a lot of things, he becomes a soldier and only in the last days of war finds the son...


The end of the 1940s. Test pilot Aleksei Kolchin was commissioned for the first time to fly the first Soviet jet fighter. The tests are successful, but it is necessary to improve the aircraft. When performing a test flight, Kolchin dies, his last words are recorded on tape. Having studied them, Kolchin's friend Sergei Sharov makes a new attempt and completes the test of the aircraft.


The film was set in Russia during World War II and is about a 5 year old girl searching for her partisan leader father while escaping from the Nazis. Nazis, trying to catch 5 years old girl to make her their hostage, because her father is the Soviet partisan commander, and young boy trying to save her. For some time, when little baby was lost in the forest alone or when Nazis finally caught two children your hope is almost broken.
