Nikolai Skorobogatov

Five best friends have only one problem to deal with: where to get something to drink...


Dedicated to memory of the Soviet war hero Aliya Maldagulova who died fighting during the Siege of Leningrad.

Adventures of young Vasilyok who is going to the pre-school for a first time in his life.


A young aristocrat, Aleksei Fedyashev, is languishing in his family's country estate, spending his days reading poetry and confessing his love... to a statue. Upon hearing that famous Count Cagliostro is touring Russia and has created quite a buzz in high society with his "magic", he decides to ask the Count to bring the statue to life...


Once a second-grader Dima Kruglikov learned that all the great people became so because they did not waste time on trifles, they had a clear regime of the day. Wishing to become great, Dima decided to live on schedule: to walk, help his grandmother, and even make friends. Getting into ridiculous and absurd situations, the main character of the film realized that the regime of the day is important, but everything must be done wisely.

The struggle of Soviet and American intelligence agencies during the Cold War era


Screen adaptation of the play by Maxim Gorky "Vassa Zheleznova". Saga of the death of a merchant family. For many years, Vassa Zheleznova has been leading the family business and, despite the inconspicuous children, her dissolute husband, alcoholic brother, and revolutionary daughter-in-law, is trying to maintain at least the appearance of a normal family... 1913 is coming, and everything that was dedicated to her life is wrecked.


A group of Russian spies are trying to gather an important information about the German forces before the attack of the Soviet Army in this action movie set during WWII.


Marina is a girl who saves a colt from being put down because of a trauma, and she gives him the name - Grand.


In this drama with socio-political nuances, a heroic engineer is able to save the passengers on his train from injury or death by sacrificing his own life when his locomotive crashes. An investigator Ermakov and journalist Malinin are both involved in the story of the crash but from two different angles: the investigator wants to find out why it happened, the journalist wants to laud the heroism of the dead engineer.


May of 1945. Soviet soldiers conducting an operation to rescue the children in a small town in the territory of Germany.


Anna Pozdnyakova is already over 30 years old and, despite the fact that she is kind and pretty, she cannot find herself a man with whom she could find family happiness. Already it seems like a suitable candidate in the person of a prominent military man, Viktor, has taken a liking, but at first sight he falls in love with Anna's friend Raisa and marries her. Then Anya takes out a vacation at her own expense and goes south to Sochi.


The teacher of the village school Horia, trying to instill in students a love for their land, tells them the legends associated with the ancient belfry. This displeases the headmaster, who did not understand the real motives of the teacher's behavior. The belfry burns down during the fire, leaves the village of Horia. But all that is good and useful that I did Horia is not lost. Remain his students.

A young boy is experiencing a lot of problems in his life. But he also have one real friend.


A story about a rookie detective in the beginning of his investigative career.


A musical comedy about one day from the life of five year old Petya's grandfather.


The evolution of a nation during six decades of turbulent history is dramatized via two families from opposing classes.


German intelligence is sending a terrorist group to the Soviet Union in the beginning of WWII.


A story about a group of Arkhangelsk kids during 1942.


The newlyweds return to Moscow after a wonderful sea cruise on the Black Sea. It seems that they will have a happy life ahead, their beloved job, but chance rudely cuts off all dreams: Viktor doesn't have time to slow down and knocks down an elderly woman with his Zhiguli. His desire to evade responsibility is replaced by repentance and a decision to accept the burden of guilt upon himself.


The thirty-year-old decathlete leaves the big sport and becomes a stunt performer in the cinema. About how the movie is shot, and about the development of personal relationships between the main characters.


A single mother for years had an amazing relationships with her son. But all ended when a young girl joined the family.


Set in late-1920s Soviet Union, Ostap Bender and Ippolit "Kisa" Vorobyaninov are after a stash of diamonds hidden in one of the chairs in 12-chair set. They are forced to go on a cross-country chase when the chairs are auctioned off.


A group of nine-graders are trying to start a kolkhoz of their own.

A participant in the war with the fascist regime, a Soviet soldier Chigorin, who bravely fought in Odessa, decides to return to the black sea city and walk through the memorable places where a lot of blood of brave defenders was shed for every inch of land. On the train, a random companion of the man becomes Katya, a charming young girl who asks Chigorin to tell about those events. Going headfirst into the memories, the former soldier begins his story, in which there is a place for selflessness, friendship, mutual assistance, love and heroism…


Detective Aniskin lives with his family in a rural village where people call him the "rural detective". Everyone in the village is respectful of Aniskin because of his wisdom and his good disposition. The villagers do not remember having any crime for many years. But one day an accordion is stolen from the manager of the local clubhouse. Detective Aniskin begins the investigation.


Mid 20th century. Industry is developing rapidly and the need for workers in factories is growing. After graduating from the tenth year, Viktor Chernyshyov, now a city dweller, did not bother to continue his education and went to the plant as a turner. He considered it quite normal that the guys enthusiastically listened to the stories of his peer Kolya, a lounger who boasted of victories over women, and participated in his dubious amusements. Only one of them, Pyotr — a real worker, a doctor, tried to reason with Kolya and the others.


Second world war. In one of the German intelligence schools are preparing sabotage groups of Russian prisoners of war for casting in the USSR. Among them — Nikolai Verezhnikov, who, not being a professional scout, was able to impose their own game and interfere with the plans of the enemy…
