Nikolay Burlyaev

The Golden Knight Film Forum was born in the "dashing 90s". The film presents to the audience the chronicle history of the wanderings of the "Golden Knight" through the cities and towns of the Slavic world torn to pieces. At the moment of the devastating turning point of our country, the Film Forum declared its motto: "For moral ideals. For the elevation of the human soul" and remained faithful to him for 30 years.

In the center of the plot is the Vatican list of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the main Orthodox shrine of Kazan. The film describes four layers of Russian history: the liberation of Moscow by the militia of Minin and Pozharsky, the battle of Poltava, the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Great Patriotic War. During all these events, the Orthodox inhabitants of Tatarstan turned to their protector, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, for help. It is believed that the icon was carried away in 1611 by the Kazan militia and later helped Minin and Pozharsky liberate Moscow from the Poles.

This 2018 documentary by filmmakers Louise Milne and Seán Martin features interviews with actor Nikolai Burlyaev, cinematographer Vadim Yusov, Tarkovsky personal assistant Olga Surkova, film critic Dmitri Salynsky, and Tarkovsky scholar Vida T. Johnson.

Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Andrei Tarkovsky. The film uses unique materials related to the years Tarkovsky spent in Italy, personal accounts of friends and professionals, the shooting locations of his films, to what degree his works reflects his personal life. The film brings us closer to the man to whom contemporary filmmaking owes so much.

This is a story of a great love facing the greatest drama of the history of Russia. Admiral Kolchak is a true war hero and beloved husband and father. One day he meets Anna, the love of his life and the wife of his best friend. The revolution in his heart faces the revolution in his own country His destiny is to become the Supreme Rules of Russia.


In a dormitory in 1951 four students prefer pranks to studying.


Master is a talented writer in Moscow working on a manuscript about the biblical Jesus and Pontius Pilate. Authorities in Moscow are harassing Master by surveillance and intimidation. Victimized by their harassment, Master throws his manuscript into the fire, before he is locked up in a mental clinic. His assistant and Muse Margarita tries to help Master using the supernatural powers she got from the devil - Woland who is visiting Moscow..


Grachow, a researcher, is to escort a car to a distant place of the foreign exchange horse Favorite. The driver of Locha drives fast, although he was supposed to not exceed a speed of 30 km per hour. They experience various adventures along the way. Grachow, who drives the car, cannot control the speeding machine, he saves himself at the last moment by jumping out of the cabin. The car with the horse on the platform rolls down to the river ...

Two youngsters are leading not so law abiding life and the consequences are tragic...


A seemingly ordinary car accident turns out to be a murder investigation...


Two parents put their child in his crib for the night and leave the room. The child starts crying, and the Cat comes into the room to keep him company. The child grabs her tail, and the Cat angrily reminds him that they agreed a thousand years ago that he would not do that. Upon seeing that the child doesn't remember, the Cat sighs and decides to tell him the story from the beginning. The story starts when the planet was young and life on Earth is starting with dinosaurs.


Second of the two movies bases on the novel "Bambi, a Life in the Woods" written by Felix Salten.


In the forest a holiday — the deer Bambi was born, the son of the leader, the prince, the heir to the crown. Bambi is still small, and the whole huge world around him appears like a fairy tale. In this tale, he meets many miracles: animals and trees, the sun and the river, his second cousins ​​and sister, squirrel, funny hares and beautiful swans. But in the fairy forest, where everyone lives together, there is He... The one whose name is not called. Whom everyone is afraid of, even the most powerful animals. Bambi will face a series of dangers, adventures and new knowledge, before he grows up and rightfully takes the place of an unnamed father - he will become the leader of his pack.


November 1943. The army of general Vatutin is preparing to cross Dnepr river.


A funny story based on Nikolai Nosov novels for children.


Немолодой чиновник уже давно подозревает жену в неверности. Его наихудшие предчувствия оправдываются в юбилей их свадьбы, когда он, чтобы поздравить жену, с букетом цветов является домой раньше обычного. Супруги не оказывается дома, постель разобрана, вещи разбросаны, а на туалетном столике лежит скандальный роман Поля де Кока "Муж без жены". В смятении, в расстроенных чувствах, чиновник бросается искать супругу по всему Петербургу...


This melodrama revolves around the post-war meeting reunion an intelligent front-line officer, now happily married, and a woman street vendor. This encounter reawakens in them submerged feelings of gratitude and tenderness as the officer recalls how they met during the war and what she used to mean to him. Now he learns that she is alone with a small daughter, the girl's father having been killed at the front.


A fantasy film on the theme of the early works of Nikolai Gogol, tightly interwoven with his personality and biography.


Engineer Zilov, having woken up, finds the funeral wreath at his place – his friends' present. This rather symbolic joke makes him recollect the previous night as well as 2 last months...


A story of the creation of the atomic bomb in America, Germany and the USSR.


Between the king and the soldier Ivan a serious dispute occurs. A seasoned soldier, of course, takes precedence over the quarrelsome sovereign. But until then happen in the Kingdom a lot of unusual and fun…


This lavish Soviet/Czech co-production is based on Fyodor Dostoyevsky's famous novel, The Gambler, which tells the story of a Russian living in Germany, in a gambling resort. This film is set at the turn of the century, and was filmed in Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), Czechoslovakia. Played by Nikolai Burlyayev, the gambler succumbs completely to his addiction, using up every resource he has (human, spiritual and financial) in his wagering, finally becoming a rootless drifter.


Six-graders Tosha and Kostya are trying to deliver the pre-WWII telegram they accidentally find.


April 1945. The Russian sniper Kolya joins the Bulgarian military contingent stationed in a Hungarian village. Kolya meets a Hungarian boy Yanush, with whom he shares his love of poetry. A German sniper is hiding in the woods and every day the death toll of the war grows higher. One day Yanush is killed by the German. Kolya seeks revenge.

Cosmonauts investigate an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. They believe that it might be the remains of a planet. Parallels are drawn to the Greek god Phaethon, who in Greek mythology was the son of the sun god Helios.


A Russian POW joins the partisan guerrillas and proves his loyalty fighting the Nazis. Filmed in 1971, but "shelved" until 1986.


Omnibus film featuring early works by Chekhov


An ancient blade with diamonds is stolen from the museum where Alexei Gurov works as a restorer. Soon an old icon is stolen from Gurov's apartment. Head of the crime investigation is the police colonel Georgy Arefyev. Everyone knows that Gurov is obsessed with collecting rarities, so suspicion falls heavy on him.


A sublime, exceptionally well acted film about a single working class mother and her teenage son. She finds a man and marries him, her son is jealous and full of hot air at first but comes to understand her in the end. That's all. The simplicity of the story notwithstanding, this is one of the most sincere and lyrical films to have been produced in the 1960s-1970s Soviet Union. Very realistic, too, showing the life as it was then. Lyusyena Ovchinnikova is superb, it is this film that makes one realize what a wonderful and under-appreciated actress she was. Nikolay Burlyayev is very good as a lanky teenager, the final scene with him carrying a glass of carbonated water for his mother is stunning. Oleg Efremov is very convincing as a working class man who found his happiness at last.


Set during the last days of the civil war that followed the Russian Revolution. The Crimea Peninsula is the last stronghold of the White Guard, and the Red Army is planning the final assault. The first story line of the movie follows two Red Army soldiers: unlikely friends Nekrasov and Karyakin. The second story line is about a White Guard officer Brusentsov who is devoted to Russia and his cause but sees it being destroyed day by day.


After the death of Bela, Pechorin was unwell for a long time, and then left the fortress and Maxim Maximych and left for Georgia. Since then, the headquarters captain had no news of his friend, often recalled and carefully carried his diaries in his wanderings. Five years have passed... Once at a post station near Vladikavkaz, Maxim Maximych with delight learns that Grigory Pechorin also came here. The long-awaited meeting brings an unbearable pain and bitterness of disappointment to the old warrior. In his hearts, he mercilessly parted with the travel notes of the ensign. And his random companion finds on the yellowed pages the story of the soul of an amazing, extraordinary person who brings misfortune to others all his life.


On a shore of a sea met a boy and a girl. The warm tender feeling grew between them and lit their short acquaintance. Then the boy left, and the girl gave birth to a son...


An expansive Russian drama, this film focuses on the life of revered religious icon painter Andrei Rublev. Drifting from place to place in a tumultuous era, the peace-seeking monk eventually gains a reputation for his art. But after Rublev witnesses a brutal battle and unintentionally becomes involved, he takes a vow of silence and spends time away from his work. As he begins to ease his troubled soul, he takes steps towards becoming a painter once again.


Short story "Metel" from volume "Povesti Belkina".


The Soviet boys, Vadik and Yura, together with the mischievous little girl Tosha, are children with a kind heart and good life philosophy. One day they find money on the street, which must be returned to the owner without fail. But where to find an inattentive citizen who has lost not only money, but also a booklet with quite important information. So, begins the time of exciting adventures, breathtaking moments, high-quality humor and instructive-entertaining ideological line.


A boy from Leningrad has his world turned upside down by his parent's separation and World War II. He leaves town amidst the fighting and returns to find a friend in his step-brother. The war is seen through the eyes of children and told in flashback form. The film was a special prize winner at the Venice Film Festival.


In WW2, twelve year old Soviet orphan Ivan Bondarev works for the Soviet army as a scout behind the German lines and strikes a friendship with three sympathetic Soviet officers.


The boy wants to have a pigeon, but he can't afford to buy a bird. On the market for a pigeon asking for 100 rubles! Then he decides to buy a bird, bartering it for his father's album with stamps. Having caught a pigeon, the boy releases a bird into the sky. But the pigeon is returning to it's native dovecote, to it's former owner, who again demands money for it. This is a short movie about childhood and dreams, about the first life lessons that everyone has to face in childhood, when society and its laws bring changes into life, sometimes breaking the brightest dreams.


Three friends are bored in eighth grade but everything changes after a new teacher arrives to the class.

About the adventures of pop artists Boris Vladimirov and Vadim Tonkov, who met during the tour with their heroes, popular characters of the Soviet stage of the 70s — Veronika Mavrikievna and Avdotya Nikitichna.