Nikolay Butenin

A story of a young girl Claudia who works as a security guard on a slowly dying metal plant.


Returning to Saint Petersburg after a long exile, the dashing Yakovlev, a retired army officer, makes a comfortable living by winning other people's duels. An enigmatic, focused, and extremely skilled professional, he leaves a trail of dead bodies behind him as he swirls through polite society, frequently called upon to wield a pistol as a surrogate in duels at dawn. But when Yakovlev meets the naïve young Prince Tuchov and his beautiful sister, Princess Martha, the normally cold-hearted mercenary is surprised by hitherto undetected emotions. What transpires uncovers a series of revelations about his past and his present self.


The Fool is a movie about a simple plumber. An honest man, he is up against an entire system of corrupted bureaucrats. At stake are the lives of 800 inhabitants of an old dorm that is at risk of collapsing within the span of the night.


Five young filmmakers retrace the steps of a doomed group of hikers in pursuit of an unsolvable mystery.


The story about a difficult post-war time. About destiny of the young lieutenant and the young girl, whose love passes through the hardest vital and moral ordeals.


'1210' is a shrilly story of a 'small person' seeking justice from the state. All his attempts are bound to fail. He's a superfluous nasty old spot, rejected even by his own family. Going mad is probably the only way out for a totally forgotten war veteran, burgled and miserable. It still remains a question, however, whether the 'crazy' man is really so in our 'normal' world, or it's the world itself which turned crazy from its own indifference. Knocked down by despair, the man resorts to committing a horrible deed. A deed unlikely to be pardoned...


A man tries to come to terms with his father's death and to deal with the mundane details of his burial in a society cut off from spirituality.
