Nikolay Kryuchkov

A tragic love story set during WWII.


The WWII pivotal battle of Stalingrad is shown through the eyes of the soldiers and officers on both sides of the war.


История о событиях в Петербурге в канун первой мировой войны, событиях странных, драматических, развернувшихся в течение одной недели Рождества перед Новым 1914 годом. Герой фильма - частный детектив Петя Чухонцев, не окончивший курса студент-юрист, - расследует дело изобретателя Куклина, который был убит. Убит именно так, как предсказывал во время странного, почти сумасшедшего, новогоднего визита к Чухонцеву. Расследуя дело Куклина, Петя очень быстро сообразит, что в этом деле центральной фигурой является немец Шольц, владелец , по дешевке скупающий изобретения русских умельцев и передающий их шпиону Зигфреду Гею, советнику германского посольства. Однако также скоро Петя поймет и то, что он влез явно не в свое дело...


A professional intelligence officer Ingmar Ross, an employee of one of the embassies, is tasked with recruiting a specialist from a Moscow classified company. But, having fallen in love with a Russian woman


A story about a gypsy boy who lives with his mother in the South-Russian village.


Strategical factory should be evacuated. The movie shows how destinies of those working on the factory and their families are being broken. And yet - they have no choice, but to live.


Andrey Pavlovich Buzykin, who makes a living by teaching at an institute and translating English literature, is cheating on his wife. Buzykin's main problem is that he's a kind man with a weak character. The lies he is telling his wife all the time are inconvincing, but he never has the courage to tell her the truth. His lover, Alla, is aware of his family life, but gets offended when, for example, he cannot meet her so that he doesn't come home late, or when he doesn't want to go home in a new jacket she gives him to avoid having to explain to his wife. Alla and Nina, Andrei's wife, both leave him, forgive him, and return to him at the same time, and Andrei continues with this kind of life, full of suffering and deceit. Finally, both women are so fed up with his lies that they don't believe him even when he is telling the truth...


In the fall of 1938, three former fighters of the international brigade — russian Shukhov, frenchman Henri and american Liz — fall into a resort town on the border of Spain and France. Having met a nurse who is supposed to send Spanish children to Corsica, they decide to help her. However, a fascist rebellion suddenly breaks out in the city, and the children are held hostage to criminals.


The hero of the film is an ordinary driver of a Moscow taxi, a kind and decent man. Each new working day promises him new meetings, acquaintances — sometimes joyful and pleasant, and sometimes demanding from him severe determination and courage.


Antarctic station "Vostok" threatens conservation due to lack of fuel. Volunteer squad is called to take fuel, but will soon begin "Polar autumn" in Antarctica. No one has walked this way, when the temperature drops below 71 degrees Celsius and freezes fuels.


Six-graders Tosha and Kostya are trying to deliver the pre-WWII telegram they accidentally find.


Set during the last days of the civil war that followed the Russian Revolution. The Crimea Peninsula is the last stronghold of the White Guard, and the Red Army is planning the final assault. The first story line of the movie follows two Red Army soldiers: unlikely friends Nekrasov and Karyakin. The second story line is about a White Guard officer Brusentsov who is devoted to Russia and his cause but sees it being destroyed day by day.


A fire suddenly started inside the ship full of passengers is causing dramatic events.


Two KGB agents are fighting against foreign spies before and during WWII.


In this provocative Soviet drama, an aged couple are left homeless after their farm burns down, and they head off to live with their impoverished daughter. When they arrive, they are appalled to learn that she has abandoned her child and husband to run away with a married man. The husband is now an alcoholic, so the grandparents stay on to support their son-in-law in his time of need and to help care for their grandson. Later, the errant daughter is dumped by her lover and returns. Many fights ensue until the grandfather banishes his troublesome daughter from their lives.


Based on the trilogy of Aleksandr Ostrovsky. Moscow, XIX century. A small official Misha Balzaminov lives in a small house. He, like his mother, sees his happiness in marrying a rich bride. Misha images in dreams and fantasies that he is a general or even a king — rich and domineering. And in reality, poor Balzaminov is haunted by setbacks...


An adventures of a young boy in a fishermen village on a sea coast.


As a rule, a person’s life is a swimming flowing from one to another. Radically changes the direction of this size. In an ambulance, he was riding a bus and met a beautiful stranger. They turned out to be Alexandra Nikolaevna, he - Alexander Nikolaevich, lost in the crowd. The outstanding geophysicist, the husband of Alexandra Nikolaevna, did not go on another expedition, stayed at home with his wife, arranged for himself “a day of happiness,” and lost his job ...


Mukhtar comes to live and work at the police kennels through rather unusual circumstances. Together with his handler, Glazychev, Mukhtar helps to solve large and small crimes.


A group of young motivated people are trying to convert old "Oduvanchik" restaurant in to a youth club.


A satirical express train sets off on its way. The driver S. Mikhalkov gives a farewell beep ... On the first carriage an inscription - "Summer cottage". The following are 8 short stories ...


Feature film.


Three of them hunted a bear, but a man was accidentally killed instead. The investigation must determine which of the hunters is responsible for this death. However, there is also a judgment of conscience — the most difficult judgment, because a compromise with one's own conscience never leads to good...


Set in 1955 when many migrated from Russia to the Steppes of Kazakhstan, this is the trip back to the Canal from the frontier and farms by a number of people who tell their settler stories. Alenka Muratova (Ovodova) is a winsome 13 year old who talks Dmitry Prokovich, the chief mechanic for the Soviet, into giving up his seat in the truck to a young mother with her infant daughter. Then Alenka and Dmitry share the back of the open truck with a young woman, newly graduated dentist who has not been able to find a position, Stefan, a hitchhiker with a dog who hopes his upper-class wife will return to him and the countryside, and Vasselina Petrovolka, a woman who lost one of her twin daughters in a riding accident by the river shortly after they arrived, and now is returning to tell the other twin of her sister's fate. A warm hearted look at common folks traveling in the frontier.


A young girl decides to join a Husar squadron and fight against Napoleon. Dressed as a man she has a hard time adjusting to the rude Husar life styles.


A criminal drama based on the story of the same name by Pavel Nilin. The first years of Soviet power in East Siberia. Malyshev,deputy chief of Criminal Investigation Department, a Komsomol member, wins over to the Soviet power a former field-hand and now a bandit Lazar Baukin, and the latter tells him about Vorontsov, the gang leader. Malyshev guarantees Baukin’s freedom. However the chief arrests him in order to reap laurels of catching the gang leader. Malyshev is in despair - he has brought under execution the man who has fully trusted him. The situation gets worse due to his personal drama and Malyshev commits suicide.


During World War II, earnest young Russian soldier Alyosha Skvortsov is rewarded with a short leave of absence for performing a heroic deed on the battlefield. Feeling homesick, he decides to visit his mother. Due to his kindhearted nature, however, Alyosha is repeatedly sidetracked by his efforts to help those he encounters, including a lovely girl named Shura. In his tour of a country devastated by war, he struggles to keep hope alive.


The movie is based on the the same name novel of the Nobel Prize In Literature Winner Mikhail Sholokhov. The action is taken place in 20-30-s years of the XX century in the Russian countryside going through an uneasy process of collectivization.


May 1945. On the outskirts of Prague, ordinary people meet Soviet soldiers-liberators with tears of joy in their eyes. In the early days of the lull, someone sadly recalls a pre-war life; someone unexpectedly meets his love; someone is returning from enemy dungeons looking hopefully into the future; and someone, having moved from a tank into a Czech tram, warmly recalls his craft as a car driver... These days, all those who survived the Great War fire swear an oath to keep peace on Earth forever, honoring the memory of those who gave their lives for simple human happiness.


An adaptation of the book "Razgrom" by Alexander Fadeyev.


According to the story of the same name by Aleksandr Avdeenko. The end of the 50s. Transcarpathia. Two saboteurs cross the border near Tissa. One dies during detention, and the second, under the guise of a front-line soldier Ivan Belograi, appears at the state farm and begins to look after Theresa, whom he met by correspondence. Frontier guard Andrei Smolyarchuk, in love with Theresa, is the first to suspect a spy and is trying to find out what his purpose is...


A young sailor Sergey is in love with Lena so he decides to join her during the Moscow Music festival.


During the brutal siege of Leningrad in the Second World War, musicians are able to stage a public performance of the Seventh Symphony by Dmitry Shostakovich.


Soviet propaganda film about communists plotting a violent attack on a Russian city. A local poet helps the communists and they glorify his poem about Lenin.


A motor depot boss with links to black market traders sends the unsuspecting Rumyansev on a flight with stolen goods. On the road, the chauffer is arrested and put in prison. To cover their tracks the real criminals do everything possible to ensure Rumyansev receives the full blame. The heartless and suspicious chief of police isn't up to finding the real crooks and so Rumyansev's case gets passed to a clever and experienced General.


The Immortal Garrison is set in June of 1941, at the outset of the Nazi invasion of Russia. A group of Soviet servicemen, languidly biding their time at the Brest fortress on the Polish border, are suddenly galvanized into action. All desires to return home to their wives and sweethearts are swept aside as the courageous garrison unites to thwart a common enemy. The siege of Brest has served as story material for countless Russian films: in lieu of contradictory evidence, Immortal Garrison must be adjudged the best of these films. For its American release, Immortal Garrison was double-featured with another Soviet production, The Mexican.


An unexpected romance occurs for a female Red Army sniper and a White Army officer.


A story about three young men - three best friends - and their adventures during the first years of Soviet Union.


The Soviet steamboat Bogatyr delivers building materials and rafts with timber to the Marto-affected earthquake. However, foreign intelligence is preparing a sabotage at Bogatyr ...

The story unfolds in a post-war town in Western Ukraine. The enemy agents are trying to subvert communist writer Aleksandr Garmash using ideological diversions. In parallel, a story is told about student Rostislav Danchenko who is being recruited by enemy agents. The story is pertinent due to resurgence of ultra-nationalist underground activity in Western Ukraine after World War II.


Several commercial fishermen were attacked by sea pirates and were forced to spend more than one year on a desert island. Many considered them dead - but almost all of them managed to survive ...


Arriving home to find his native land under the yoke of corrupt merchants, an adventurer named Sadko sets sail in search of a mythical bird of happiness. This is for the original Soviet film, not for the 1962 American reworking, "The Magic Voyage of Sinbad"


Sadko is based on an opera by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, which was based on a Russian epic tale of the same name. In the old Russian city of Novgorod, the merchants are feasting in a gorgeous palace and Sadko is bragging that he can bring to their land a sweet-voiced bird of happiness. They laugh at him, but he is offered help by the Ocean King's daughter, who is mesmerized by Sadko's singing and is in love with him. The hero is destined to visit many lands in his search of the bird. First shown in the USA in 1953 with English subtitles.


Saved by Russian sailors black boy turned out to be the smart and kind nipper.


The war is over. The Red Army soldier Pyotr tries to find himself in a peaceful life. He takes the place of an accountant, and long-time friend Nazar, who has already grown to the post of the head of a collective farm, helps him in this. Together they achieve high performance indicators of their wards, skillfully solving controversial issues and emerging from confused situations.


Dedicated to the development of the oil industry of Soviet Azerbaijan in the background of the first half of the twentieth century, including their selfless work in strengthening the economic and military might of the USSR.


Command of one of the Soviet divisions becomes aware of the alleged enemy counterattack. The scouts sent into the enemy's rear to refine the data returned. A new group of seven scouts, called "The Star", headed by Lieutenant lieutenant. Returning after a job, the group suddenly found with the German squad. After sending one of the scouts with a report, the lieutenant lieutenant with his friends enter into mortal combat with the enemy ...


Memories of the old Baltic sailor who participated in a revolution and a few wars...


Three pilots are best friends and good fighters. During the WWII they are taking an oath to refrain from love until the end of the War. But soon they meet three women-pilots. One by one they give up the oath, and all three fall in love.


A World War II era Soviet war film, focusing on the role of the Red Navy rather than land forces, and reviving the 1920s concept of the collective hero.


Kotovsky, who went a long revolutionary way and became the recognized military commander of the cavalry troops: commander, brigade commander, commander. Six times he escaped from prison, was sentenced to death, and again escaped to become one of the most ardent warriors of the revolution. His famous equestrian brigade fought with the enemy near Kiev and the Belaya Tserkov, at Nikolaev and Odessa, and did not know defeat anywhere.


The film deals with a Russian battalion under siege by the Germans during the Second World War.


A story of a young lad Sergey who is destined to fight in multiply wars.


They met in Moscow - a shy swineherd Glasha and shepherd Musaib. Long and difficult will be their way to love and a new meeting in this classic Soviet musical comedy.


A film about the national hero of the Bashkir people Salavat Yulaev, the leader of the Bashkirs in the peasant uprising led by Yemelyan Pugachev.


Before the attack on the village, captured by the Nazis, the commander decides to carry out a distraction — a concert of the front-line brigade of artists. Chef Antosha Rybkin is assigned to play the role of... a German corporal. Dressed in an enemy uniform, he gets to the rear of the enemy and helps his liberate the village.


The story takes place in a Soviet placed in what is now Ukraine. A mechanic arrives in the Soviet, lead by a young independent woman driving tractors and, between many comedy sketches and propaganda mottoes, a love comes to light.


The year is 1919. German troops retreat from Ukraine. The Directory, the Ukrainian national government lead by Symon Petliura, takes control of Kyiv. Meanwhile, the Bolshevik division commanded by Mykola Shchors is marching on the capital. The Bolsheviks capture the cities of Vinnytsia, Zhmerynka, and others one by one, but lose Berdychiv to Petliura’s forces. They are demoralized by the defeat. By his personal example of courage and military skill, Shchors inspires the retreating Red troops and leads them to victory over the enemy.


Film deals with Stakhanovite movement. Old miners try to sabotage young man's plan to renew methods of getting coal.


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The film tells about a band of demobilized Red Army men and two civilians who cross a Middle Asian desert. They are forced to do battle with superior forces of Basmachi rebels for the dry draw-well.


Yussuf and Aliosha are two shipwrecked sailors on an island in the Caspian Sea. They start working as sailor and mechanic for the fishing boats of the "Lights of the Communism" kolkhoz. Here the two friends will fall in love with the beautiful Masha.


Outskirts is an internationally renowned masterpiece of early sound cinema. In a remote Russian village during World War I, colorful and nuanced characters experience divided loyalties: family loyalty vs. personal desire, nationalism vs. transcendent humanism.
