Nikolay Volkov

A story about the soldiers of Soviet punishment battalion during WWII. Month of service in a punishment battalion was equated to ten years in prison...


A rookie detective is investigating a young girl death


The saleswoman of the village store Pasha Nikitina generously distributed all the money from the proceeds to the villagers in debt, when they were left without a salary through the fault of the Chairman. The audit appeared suddenly — and Pasha began to demand money back. Not having received debts, the heroine turned for help to her brother, who immediately responded to her misfortune: he sent money and came himself…


At a meeting of the bureau, under pressure from the first secretary of the district committee of the party, the agronomist of the collective farm Boris Kholmovoy was dismissed and expelled from the party for allegedly arbitrary actions. Disagreeing with the decision of the district committee, Kholmovoy files an appeal. The secretary of the regional party committee Plotnikov, wanting to understand this complicated matter, goes to the collective farm.

A biopic about the life of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov - Russian polymath, scientist and writer.


Kir Lopukhov and Alyosha Mamykin are classmates who have just received a certificate of maturity. The war began and the guys, without hesitation, also act together in the same artillery special school. They are given just three days to visit the front, for which there is so much to be done! Say goodbye to your Sokolniki. Find classmates. And Kira - by all means learn about the fate of her beloved girl Olya. True, she was evacuated, but according to rumors, she returned to the capital to go to university.


Army and police are trying to fight crime in West Belarus during Spring of 1945.


A story about a colonel Denis Davydov - hero of the 1812 war.


The life of Pavla Brus, a middle-aged, modest but principled woman, suddenly changes with a crush on a drilling foreman. Unable to restrain her feelings, she decides to cheat on her husband, divorce and leave the family. But her youngest son Kuzma, a teenager with an intelligent and piercing look at the world around him, stops her from a rash act, which is shaped by observation of Siberian nature. A philosophical attitude towards banal life processes allows the mother to reconsider her feelings for her husband Tikhon and the failed lover Nikolai.


A story about a group of Russian boys who have lost their fathers in the World War II.


In July 1942, in the Second World War, the rearguard of the Russian army protects the bridgehead of the Don River against the German army while the retreating Russian troops cross the bridge. While they move back to the Russian territory through the countryside, the soldiers show their companionship, sentiments, fears and heroism to defend their motherland.


A military explorer meets and befriends a Goldi man in Russia’s unmapped forests. A deep and abiding bond evolves between the two men, one civilized in the usual sense, the other at home in the glacial Siberian woods.


Based on the story of the same name by Nikolai Bogdanov. Summer 1919. After the sons of the kulaks deserted and went into the woods, in the remote Russian village of Potma there was only the old Bolshevik Matvei and a small Komsomol cell led by Sanya Yermakova. A fierce struggle begins between the Komsomol's and deserters...


The movie is based on the the same name novel of the Nobel Prize In Literature Winner Mikhail Sholokhov. The action is taken place in 20-30-s years of the XX century in the Russian countryside going through an uneasy process of collectivization.
