Nikolay Zasukhin

The WWII pivotal battle of Stalingrad is shown through the eyes of the soldiers and officers on both sides of the war.


Operation "Resident", which lasted 15 years, is coming to an end. But the indestructible agent of "Nadezhda" has one important mission left. Agent Carl Brockmann, who intends to steal the work of Academician Nikolai Nesterov in the defense sector, has been abandoned in the USSR. KGB leadership asks Mikhail Tulyev to return to the Soviet Union to find the spy. Meanwhile, Brockmann recruits former fascist collaborator Mikhail Kutepov for involvement in a dangerous operation.


The police received a statement about the disappearance of the collective farm procurer with a large amount of money. This served as the basis for the investigation of a complex criminal case related to major theft and murder. The case is being investigated by the investigator for particularly important cases, Stasenko ...


30 years after the end of World War II, a Soviet and an American journalist meet again for realizing post war paths of their countries.


A drama about a psychological duel between a police detective and career criminal.


A comic drama about a permanently going duel between Traffic Officer and powerful businessman.


Based on the novel by Yuri Skop "Safety Engineering". The action takes place in the early 1980s, in the Arctic, at a mining plant. The long-overdue issue of radical restructuring of production has caused heated debate between the opposing parties. How to ensure the safe work of miners and not reduce labor productivity? There is a conflict between the director and the chief engineer of the enterprise...


The action of the epic film takes place in the second half of World War II. The plot focuses on the liberation of European countries from German occupation and the anti-fascist activities of the communist parties of these countries. After the victory at Stalingrad, a decisive turn occurred during the war. The main aim is the rallying of all patriotic forces, the creation of a national anti-fascist front in the struggling countries. The swift offensive of the Soviet troops, problems with the opening of a second front, major operations and the offensive of the Soviet army lead to the liberation of Europe. Rebellions are rising in different countries - such as the heroic uprising in Warsaw, in Slovenia, Bucharest and other cities. Brave heroes who performed immortal feats in the name of the happiness of mankind and freedom.


A story of the creation of the atomic bomb in America, Germany and the USSR.


The film is based on history of the Russian Military garrison in Sveaborg (Suomenlinna, near Helsinki) in Finland, which was an autonomous part of Russian Empire. In 1906 Russia had about 12 thousand troops stationed in Sveaborg fortress. The riots were provoked by the Socialist - Revolutionaries who spread influence on the minds of Sveaborg garrison. First acts of un-subordination broke on July 17, 1906, when revolutionary sailors were supported by mine-men. Minemen were arrested and disarmed by the infantry regiment. Gunners decided to release their comrades. The following fight ignited a bloody revolt, that was headed by lieutenants A. Yemelyanov and Y. Kohansky, members of the Lenin's Bolshevik party. A general strike began in Helsinki on the next day. The revolt lasted three days and was crushed by the Baltic Fleet naval bombardment. Over 40 men were executed, hundreds were sentenced to prison.


UN's The Committee of 19 sends six scientists to investigate a biological outbreak in Africa.


While still heavily influenced by the official version of events, the film unflinchingly covers the disastrous policies and inefficiencies, which allowed the Germans to rapidly advance and take the newly incorporated lands of Belorussia and Ukraine into their hands, as well as large portions of western Russia and Ukrainian lands east of the "old border". Nevertheless, it is painfully skewed in its portrayal of Stalin and those around him: Stalin is benevolent; wise; heeds the advice of his cronies in the Supreme Soviet and allows his generals to make the final decisions when the chips are down. Presented in two parts; Aggression and Typhoon.
