Nina Rakovec

In the absence of his mother, the seven-year-old Maks decides to find company at the basketball court. The lack of warmth and attention forces him to take matters into his own hands.

Ivan Cankar experienced many things only after he has written about them. In the film, this link between his writing and his private life is depicted by live-action and animated scenes that draw exclusively on the writer’s works and letters to his loved ones. For an entire decade, he lived with the Löffler family in Vienna, where he wrote most of his impressive oeuvre. First, he grew very close to the lady of the house, then to her adolescent daughter Steffi. Back in Ljubljana, he got involved with several girls there, an attentive lover of a cheerful nature, accessible and highly intelligent. His popular public lectures reveal him as a passionate social democrat.


Home is where fear is. A young, successful woman is the first and only resident of a new development next to a park, where overnight tents with refugees appear. If nobody means no harm, why, then, do their paths cross and the situation gets tragically out of control?


After an assassination attempt, a broke mob wife takes over his husband's dirty work and collects her husband's debt with the help of her best friend - a hairdresser and her step daughter.


The story follows the usual workday of taxi driver Aleš Križnik, who could be described as an educated, probably graduated economist, owner of a once successful company, which unfortunately failed. As a taxi driver, he meets all sorts of people, and one late evening he takes one last call ...


Documentary film explores the role of women in the Slovenian film and is also looking for reflections in the film classics of the constant changing position of women in the society. Documentary also refers to popular and lesser-known women's roles in the history of Slovenian film, heroines in the literal sense, typical roles in many partisan films, as well as the established cliches: a suffering mother, adulteress, gossip. Through interviews with the actresses, theorists and artists as well as analyzing the most common phrases expressed by women in the Slovenian films, the film tries to reveal the true Slovenian film heroine.


Meet Ela: a mother of three, a wife, a friend, and a career woman. To juggle it all, she is often economical with the truth, trying to get herself out of this or that mess. The lies are mostly little, white, and harmless. Every now and then, not so much.


The paths of two girls cross one evening in Ljubljana. Tina, a Slovene, and Iben, a Danish girl of similar age, both experiencing some kind of turning point in their lives, open up to one another and soon develop a close bond...


The documentary »I Choose to Live« presents a touching confession of a young girl who after losing her mother, tried to end her life. Later on she struggled with self-destructive behaviour and also an eating disorder. In this documentary the young girl is portrayed by the actress Nina Rakovec. The theme of mental health of youngsters is highlighted with the help of the professional counsellors.

Luka (19) is leaving a youth care centre, his only sanctuary for the past nine years, after his mother and relatives abandoned him. His wish is to find out where his father is buried. At his work, he falls in love with a lively girl named Ajda (19), and they begin a relationship together. While searching for answers from his past, Luka finds out a shocking family secret. He finds his only solace in the love he has for Ajda. He wants to move in with her, but Ajda hides her true feelings from him. Luka soon finds out that Ajda holds a family secret, too.


A historical saga, based on personal stories and the history of Brda (a region near the border in the west of Slovenia), depicts a bloody history of Europe, full of wars, nationalisms and at the same time cohabitation, which is always personal and common to everyone.

Three friends embark on a road trip like in high school, but things have changed - Gregor is going to war mission, Ziva is going to study abroad, while Andrej is still the same. There are secrets left unsaid. Can their friendship survive?


In 2009, a group of military enthusiasts led by the commander France (Gojmir Lešnjak - Gojc) decides to occupy Trieste. The group that stages battles performs it at a completely fictional location. However, this hobby is not to the liking of France's wife Marija (Silva Čušin) and his daughter Mateja (Anja Drnovšek). The daughter as a representative of the young generation has no understanding of her father's enthusiasm for partisans, battles and Tito. France is also confronted by the Slovenian police led by the commander Brane (Dario Varga) as Brane forbids France to stage any more battles ... Will the young generation accept our history and will Trieste be ours?


Vid is talented but spoiled young man smothered in his affection to the adoring mother and heedless of his aloof father. His grandfather is benevolent but self-important patriarch and his new girlfriend is a creature of voluptuous innocence wrestling with the torment of a dysfunctional home. These are main characters in a story of strained love and spiraling desire. Characters reveal inexorable issues- baggage that they brought with them. Ultimately this baggage becomes a ruinous burden.
