Nina Wu

Working as an ordinary artist on Bai Ze's comic project The Legend of Demon Sea has aspiring artist Feng Xue feeling like wasted talent. To vent his frustration, he begins another version the project, filling the illustrated adventures of an alchemy master with mythic parallels to his daily grind. With his comics Feng takes vengeance whenever he's slighted or passed over in the studio, drawing his colleagues and boss into unflattering scenes. But when Bai Ze discovers an illustrated version of himself suffering under Feng's brush, he's far from angry. He praises Feng Xue for his originality, and takes the new draft to his boss. This is when Bai Ze also learns what it means to be frustrated at work, challenging him to choose between what he believes in and what his job demands.


A 30-year-old career guy runs into a magical ‘celestial being’ at a point when he is becoming disillusioned with life. She tells him she can make all his wishes come true – including those from childhood.


Fleeing an arranged marriage in China, the independent Peony signs a contract to work as a “flower girl” in America, where she meets Tom, an American Born Chinese cook whose father works on the Transcontinental Railroad. Thwarted by a Hong Kong Triad boss seeking to extend his power into America, theirs is the tale of the first great Chinese immigration to the United States – a story of romance, bigotry, passion, food and a search for everlasting love – set against the largest mass lynching in American history, in Los Angeles’ Chinatown, in 1871.
