Nino Korda

A comedy directed by Otto W. Retzer.


Film extras take possession of a bogus film production company and acting as ideal world of film to persuade one associates mother-in-law of marriage.


Germany in the autumn of 1957: Lola, a seductive cabaret singer-prostitute exults in her power as a temptress of men, but she wants out—she wants money, property, and love. Pitting a corrupt building contractor against the new straight-arrow building commissioner, Lola launches an outrageous plan to elevate herself in a world where everything, and everyone, is for sale. Shot in childlike candy colors, Fassbinder’s homage to Josef von Sternberg’s classic The Blue Angel stands as a satiric tribute to capitalism.


The lackluster and plodding Bolweiser has the (mis)fortune to be married to the town's siren; his trusting nature leads him into serious trouble when she beds nearly every available guy.


This fast-paced black comedy by wunderkind director Rainer Werner Fassbinder follows the frantic efforts of a starving and confused writer, Walter Kranz to beg, borrow or steal enough money to survive on, and at the same time make some sense of his confusing life. Unable to write enough to keep his publisher's royalty advances coming, he seeks out a woman he imagines is a prostitute and interviews her for material. He is also inspired to utter some poetry, which his brassy, outspoken wife identifies as coming from the famous homosexuality-advocating mystical German poet, Stefan George. This inspires Walter to take a closer look at the gay scene, and he quickly becomes a sort of celebrity there.


German sex comedy


In the film, an age-old family curse hits sisters Kitty and Franziska following the death of their grandfather Tobias. Every hundred years, the legend goes, the bloodthirsty Red Queen returns and claims seven fresh victims. Was Tobias just the first... and are Kitty and Franziska next?


Rolf (Michael Cromer), a sex-advice columnist and a lecher, has affairs with numerous women, but never a permanent relationship. Suzanne, one of his ex-lovers, offers to bet that no woman can get Rolf to propose marriage, a bet her girlfriend Andrea (Sybil Danning) eagerly accepts. But there's a catch: To win the bet, Andrea must get the womanizing Rolf to commit to marriage without first going to bed with him.


Captain Tom Rowland and Commissioner X are sent to Pakistan to destroy the Red Tigers gang, responsible for smuggling drugs from Afghanistan into the United States.


Bavarian Sex Comedy from Germany


Eugenie, an innocent young woman, is taken to an island paradise where she initiated into a world of pleasure and pain controlled by the sinister Dolmance. But when she surrenders to her own forbidden fantasies, Eugenie becomes trapped in a frenzy of drugs, sadomasochism and murder. Can a frightened girl in the grip of carnal perversion find sanctuary in the orgies of the depraved?


Josefine is a young streetwalker in Vienna at the turn of the 20th century. She manages to sleep her way to the top by marrying a British aristocrat, and she delights in telling ribald stories of her sordid past to moralistic prudes.


A sleazy comedy directed by Ákos Ráthonyi.


Carmen, a free-spirited young woman who sometimes earns money as a prostitute, lives a bohemian existence in a small town where most of the locals allow her to do as she pleases. Jose, a naive young man who has just been hired as the town's new police officer, arrests her. However, Jose is soon drawn into Carmen's sensual spell, and he is compelled to do her bidding as she slowly brings him to his doom.


Three men plot to assassinate the dictator of their country, but their plan fails and one of them is captured and imprisoned. Even after considerable torture and interrogation, the revolutionary maintains his silence as to the names of his accomplices. Soon he is killed, though no one seems to know who is responsible for his death. Four years later another regime has been established, and a former inmate of the dead revolutionary finds himself in a position of power. He now intends to find out who was responsible for the man's death. After this German tale first took the form of a radio play and then a stage production, character actor Peter Carsten decided to produce this film version.
