Nino Marchesini

In the mid-1500s, a ship containing Spanish prisoners being sent to a Spanish penal colony in the Caribbean sinks at sea, but some of the prisoners manage to survive and make it to shore at a nearby island. They organize themselves under the leadership of Juan Olivares (dynamically played by charismatic singer-actor Johnny Desmond), manage to take over a ship with some cargo that they barter for supplies, and eventually are asked to fight on behalf of the Spanish crown against the English... or is the request sincere?


A 1955 film directed by Giorgio Pastina.

The adventures of Roberto, an heroic Italian soldier from Trieste during World War One.

After WWII, "Jack Grandi" falls in love with a young girl only to find that there is an historical enmity between his family and her's. Can their love survive the accusations of treason and betrayal?

Cousins James and Robert are in love with Susanna. When Robert and Susanna announce their engagement, James vows to ruin their happiness.


"Antonio" leaves his family to live a prosperous life with Cristina. Her family live in a slum where their lives are complicated by young love and jealousy. A letter from a local priest that implicates "Antonio" in the murder of an English nobleman comes to light and soon they are all before the King.

The tragic love story between Guido, the owner of a marble quarry and Luisa, the humble daughter of one of his employees, ends up in her giving birth to a baby boy. Giulio's mother is against them: at first she takes her son abroad with an excuse and then has her grandson kidnapped making Luisa think the boy died in a fire.


A family drama involving a wife torn between her husband and her criminal ex-lover


An Italian adaptation of the Richard Wagner opera Lohengrin, where a woman prays for a saviour, and receives it in the form of the title character, a man who will marry her and stay by her if she never asks him his name.

An Italian child becomes blind due to an accident with German cavalrymen during an American bombing, but regains his sight thanks to American physicians.

Marquis Eduardo Parascandolo, after having squandered all his possessions for not having cared about his finances, spends his time professing to some young people his philosophy of life.
