Niobe Thompson

With Carbon in the news every day, you might think you know everything about her. But you’d be wrong. This spectacular and surprisingly unorthodox documentary reveals the paradoxical story of the element that builds all life, and yet may end it all. Narrated in first person by  Sarah Snook (Succession), Carbon tells of her birth in the violent core of an exploding star and of turbulent sagas through the fabric of our evolving Earth. Accompanied by celebrated scientists, unique animations and a stunning orchestral score, Carbon reminds us of our humble participation in the most extraordinary story in the universe. 

If you knew today what our changing climate would do to your family in 30 years, what would you do, right now, while there was still time to act? This short film examines the human experience of survival during a time of transformation destined to be inscribed forever in Earth’s geological record.

Filmmaker Niobe Thompson’s dad turned 70 this summer. So he found a “river” on a map, repaired one of his old wood canoes, and invited his family to help him celebrate the big day.

The Blackfoot bareback horse-racing tradition returns in the astonishingly dangerous Indian Relay. Siksika horseman Allison Red Crow struggles with secondhand horses and a new jockey on his way to challenging the best riders in the Blackfoot Confederacy.


In an oil-scarce world, we know there are sacrifices to be made in the pursuit of energy. What no one expected was that a tiny native community, living down the river from Canada's tar sands, would reach out to the world for help, and be heard.


The Nature of Things is a Canadian television series of documentary programs. It debuted on CBC Television on November 6, 1960. Many of the programs document nature and the effect that humans have on it. The program was one of the first to explore environmental issues, such as clear-cut logging. The series is named after an epic poem by Roman philosopher Lucretius: "Dē Rērum Nātūrā" — On the Nature of Things.


The Gift is an uncompromising look into one of the world’s busiest organ-transplant hospitals. In cinéma-vérité style, we witness the most profound experiences in any human life: moments of unbearable suspense leading to sudden and senseless loss, or the unexpected joy of a second chance. With empathy and honesty, The Gift transports us to a world few of us understand, but all of us are fated to someday visit. An arresting tour de force of observational filmmaking, both beautiful and profound.
