Nisti Stêrk

Laser Man, John Ausonius, committed in 1991-92 a number of terror attacks on immigrants. One person was killed and ten injured. This mini series from SVT is based on Gellert Tamas bestselling book "The Laser Man" and is a strong dramatization of one of the most dangerous people in the Swedish criminal history.


Real, an immigrant soccer team in chaos recruits Olle, a Swedish coach, to create order. All of the players want to play center. Olle's right hand man is Sammi, father of a Kurd family with a son on the team. His daughter Bella has the impossible dream of becoming the goaltender. All of the men in Real are opposed to women on the soccer field. The Kurd culture demands that the patriarch of the family keeps the female in order or he loses face. At Olle's first match with Real the goalie leaves for a date. Olle has no one but Bella to put in the goal.