Nobutaka Masutomi

A love story full of transparency, based on a novel by Baro Enomoto , a charismatic favorite among high school girls . NewDirector Kiseki Hamada elaborately depicts the friendship and love of two lonely men and women.

A story of childhood life during wartime Japan. Takeshi, the intelligent son of a fisherman, is the schoolyard bully. When his cousin comes to stay with his family to avoid bombing raids, Takeshi at first treats him well, then begins bullying him too. Takeshi eventually loses his position of leadership.


Several women are kidnapped and treated to degradation and violence by their captors.


After witnessing the rape of his wife, a man's mind snaps and he attacks a prostitute. Two years later, the man and the prostitute meet by chance.


Roman Porno from 1985. A young teacher heads off to teach fencing in a school in the countryside.


The singer Asami is mistakenly kidnapped by a maniac looking for her manager's daughter. A contemporary reimagining of Junichiro Tanizaki's short story Shisei a.k.a. The Tattooer (1910).


After an indiscretion with a younger man, her jealous husband disciplines poor Miki. He teaches her how to become the pig that she really is.


A photographer for a weekly magazine becomes obsessed with Nami, a woman he first saw getting brutally raped in an underground porn video. After tracking her down, he begins an affair with her, initially unaware that she is also in an abusive relationship with Muraki, the man responsible for the video that started it all.


For the in-discriminating viewer who simply wants a story about pretty naked girls in lesbian embrace, this is the movie to see. There is not much plot to clutter the soft-core action, but there is an abundance of exploratory nudity. Director Nasu seems to suffer from delusions of importance as he treats the project more seriously than the thinly written story might deserve. His camerawork is creative, perhaps even innovative, based on the deviant angles he manages to capture. The plot itself deals with two high school girls who discover the pleasure of sex with each other until one of them chooses to be with a boy (!), then all hell breaks out.


The story of lovers in "Miss Nippon" cabaret in Kabukicho, Shinjuku, where a strict, almost martial, code is followed among employees to bring the business to the top. Workers must follow the rules and a "no relations between workers" policy that's tightly enforced.


A young woman marries into a wealthy household...


A young man covets his sister-in-law, and spies on her in the bath using a two-way mirror. His desire grows as he watches her have sex with his older brother. Will the voyeur's lust get the best of him?


The world-famous woodblock artist Hokusai, a widower in need of a steady income, lives with his daughter Oei in the house of his friend Bakin.


Nikkatsu Roman Porno

A working class young man, Tetsuo, who distrusts all rich people, falls in love with a girl, Chika, from an affluent family. He has a difficult time, but love survives despite the problems.


Mika Hino is a sharp-shooting investigator that belongs to the infamous "Gator Branch.” When an executive board member of a trading company is accused of being involved in a bribery, Mika is assigned to keep watch over him. A few nights later her target is found dead outside of his 30 floor office building. With an apparent suicide note as evidence, local police conclude the case as a suicide. Mika’s assignment may have ended in failure, but her mission has just begun...


Mejika, a pretty Eurasian woman, is hired as a biology teacher at a renowned high school. She is reputed for her iron discipline. But the extremely provocative attitude of Mejika ends up worrying the school's administration. The young woman then sows trouble by revealing the cases of vice and corruption that are legion in this school...


Nikkatsu Roman Porno film about a brothel headhunter named Miura who brings young runaway Choma to a bathhouse/brothel and begins her prostitution career. Miura also falls in love with Choma, which causes problems when she falls for a dangerous yakuza gangster.


Roman Porno from 1978. A film director, producer, and writer take a working vacation at a resort on the advice of their horoscopes. For the next week, the three men conduct interviews with many young women, seeking to discover their next starlet.

Utae and Aiko attend an all-girl private school where the devoutly religious principal seems to be raping some of the students, including Utae.


Sisterhood is powerful. Before leaving for a mission in Africa, Runa, a nun, visits her sister three years after entering the convent when her sister stole Runa's boyfriend. Runa comes to forgive and to help her sister make enough money buying and selling some convent property so she can marry. The old boyfriend has new women in his life, but he and the sister tell Runa they're a couple in order to keep the property deal. To make even more money, Runa's sister wheedles large gifts from various men she's stringing along. There are flashbacks to Runa's sexual initiation at the convent. Has this taught meekness to Runa?


A bar-owner named Kuroki, forlornly waits for his adulterous wife to get back from messing around with her boyfriend. She returns, but because she's been fooling around with gangsters she brings trouble with her. Kuroki gets tied up and beaten, his wife and customers get tortured and raped, and it is finally up to the mousy cuckold to set things right, Straw Dogs-style.


The film is based on 17th century Chinese erotic novel by Li Yu best known as The Carnal Prayer Mat. Mio is a struggling writer who writes a pornographic book entitled Flesh Futon which becomes a surprise best seller. With his newfound wealth, Mio begins indulging in the nightlife, excusing his activities to his wife by saying it is for research. Mio's reputation comes crashing down when a prostitute reports that his penis is like a "guppy". More bad luck follows. His book is banned, and his wife puts him on a short leash. At the height of his misfortune, his house is robbed. Mio meets the robber who turns out to be the Japanese folk-hero Nezumi Kozō. The two become friends, and Kozō introduces Mio to a doctor who can perform penis-enlargement surgery. With his new equipment, Kozō and Mio become frequenters of the red-light district, until the real Nezumi Kozō appears, and evil luck returns to Mio.

Roman Porno from 1975. Nobutaka Masutomi stars as a doctor who develops a robot love doll to keep a team of Antarctic researchers company, but is displeased with the result despite the product’s success. His desire to create a more realistic doll leads the doctor to model one after an attractive college student (Maya Hiromi). Naomi Oka co-stars, and the screenplay was by Atsushi Yamatoya, who had directed the subgenre’s most notorious cult film, Koya No Dacchi Waifu, in 1967.


The Taisho era was a time of turbulence in Japan. From new marks of modernity to full-blown riots, a sense of revolution filled the air. The Dam Dam Group is a small anarchist organization lead by Daijiro, a silver tongued "Benshi", a performer who provides narratives for silent films, playing multiple roles. In other words, he was a master at the art of deception, a handy talent when it came to 'doing jobs' for his group. His revolutionary ideals attracted many to his squadron, but among them was a young girl who was oblivious to his group's activities. Her name was Shino.


Kazuo is an angry young man, especially resentful of the power and snootiness of the rich. But at the same time he's obsessed with Saeko, the daughter of a rich businessman.


Roman Porno from 1973.

Three sisters live alienated existences in modern day Tokyo. One works as a secretary, one is a prostitute, and one is a criminal. The secretary is cynically unhappy with the sexist business world which limits her opportunities for advancement and makes her a target for her lecherous boss. The prostitute lives an aimless life, drifting between men, and often the target of either police or jealous wives. The criminal, who lives by disrupting the society which oppresses her two sisters, is the only happy one of the three.


Tormented by his first sexual stirrings, the teenager Isao dreams every night of his gym teacher Ikuko. He finally opens her heart but she rejects his advances. Frustrated, Isao invents all sorts of stratagies to disgust Ikuko´s fiance, a professor of chemistry in the same school. As his plan fails, he plans a radical solution...and the results turns out to be...


Roman Porno from 1972.

Roman Porno from 1972.

Sold into prostitution by her "uncle", a young girl is so innocent and naive that she doesn't know what she has to do.


Reiko is an adulterous housewife whose lover is a foul-tempered yakuza gangster. After one of her husband's friends spies the amorous duo at a no-tell motel, the stage is set for murder.