Noémie Rosset

In a world where digital technology has invaded our lives, some of us end up cracking. Addict or technophobe, with family or at school, at work or in love, SELFIE tells the comic and wild destinies of Homo Numericus on the verge of a nervous breakdown.


Ideas improve. With the help of the meaning of words. Plagiarism is essential. Progress implies it. It embraces a writer's sentence, uses his expressions, erases a false idea, replaces it with the right one.


Charts the trials and tribulations of Ana, a free-spirited 26 year-old returning home to Strasbourg for the summer after living abroad for long enough to feel out of place everywhere.


Marianne, Mike and Angèle have gathered once more around their mother. In ten days, following the end of the treatment protocol, Claudine will be dead. Ten days? Marianne never grasped the fact that they would have to wait so long, yet she usually understands very well. Luckily, Angèle has worked hard to wrap everything up as tightly as possible and Mike is trying especially hard not to rub anyone the wrong way. Everything will be as fine as can be. Even the dog has never been so affectionate.
