Nora Cullen

This time, the Brigada Z gang, take a little vacation in Mar del Plata but their money is stolen. In order to enjoy their vacation, they become lifeguards and accidentally discover a band of thieves that robs Casinos. Emilio, Gino, Berugo and Alberto don't forget they're cops so they decide to investigate.


a story about two mid class workers facing one of the worst economic crisis. One of them (Federico Luppi) is seduced by an incredible propose of work by one friend of him (Gianni Lunadei), named Arteche. Arteche offer a very good position on his own company, because he needs someone "he can trust". The other worker (Julio De Grazia) didn't believe on Arteche´s words so he try to "survive" alone.


It's about three women, three stories, or perhaps a single story in different projections of time and space. The Mistress wishes to unravel the meaning of being a woman is the victim of Hollywood. Ana is the product of a society ruled or dominated by men.


Two ex-convicts are hired by the Devil to manage a small town cemetery.


A journalist begins to receive envelopes containing erotic pictures, which he connects to a relationship he once had with an actress.


Someone wants to succeed in the city and someone promises you will achieve. But about that story is a kind of catalyst, which is very well armed and with a lot of freedom. Dream, dream goes against the realism that one is accustomed to seeing in Argentine films.


Nazareno Cruz is the seventh son of a couple living in a high mountain village. According to a myth, a seventh son will become a wolf on nights of the full moon. Everyone in the village is relieved when this doesn't happen. The boy grows up and falls in love with a beautiful girl, Griselda. When he's 20 years old, he is visited by the Devil, who offers him the wealth of the world if he will turn his back on his love for Griselda, and if he fails to do this, he will become a wolf.


A photographer shoots a documentary film in a small town in Argentina (Uribelarrea) about the filming that a foreign producer is doing on the spot.


Fernandez is a lonely man leading a lonely life. All he does is work for an old man in a hardware store. But all that changes, when he meets the girl of his dreams... and her family.


A store owner tries to commit suicide several times and he can't do it..