Nóra Trokán

A father takes his son on a deer hunt, in the attempt to recconect with the boy. However, their intrusion disturbs the balance of the forest, and awakens its female spirit.

When Sheriff Roy Pulsipher finds himself in the afterlife, he joins a special police force and returns to Earth to save humanity from the undead.

A frame-for-frame remake of the famous Shower Scene of Hitchcock's Psycho with 60 actresses for its 60th anniversary, a different actress in each shot.

This series shows a school community's everyday life filled with drama and comedy. The episodes treat public and social issues like teenagers' rivalization or the search of identity.


In 1957 the Soviet Union decides to give Hungary the chance to choose the world's first cosmonaut, who can be the very first person in space. It seems like the best candidate is Lajkó, the gypsy spraying pilot.


Gas station in the middle of nowhere: a young man arrives to meet his father he hasn’t seen for 30 years. On the same day, a van with four prostitutes breaks down at the very same gas station, on the way to Switzerland. The three days they spend together in the station change their lives forever.


An unlikely hero sets off to save the beautiful Boglárka from the dragon who kidnapped her.