Nora Zinsky

Sisters Teresa, Amanda, and Ema reunite in their childhood home and get accidentally locked in, so now it’s only them, the memory of their recently deceased mother, and a shared history they will have no choice but to share again.

Maria's family give her a puzzle for her 50th birthday, and she loves it. Not only does the patient housewife have fun solving the puzzle, she's also really good at them. Overflowing with enthusiasm for her new-found passion, she goes back to the shop where they bought the gift for another puzzle. There her eye is caught by a notice on the message board: Partner for puzzle tournament wanted. Maria musters her courage and, despite her family's misgivings, answers the announcement.


The story is set beneath Buenos Aires, deep within its labyrinthine subway system, and centers on a train containing 30 riders that has mysteriously disappeared. The subway officials are greatly troubled and so call in topographer Daniel Pratt to help them find it. Unfortunately, the tunnel system is so vast and complex, that Pratt must find his mentor Hugo Mistein for help. Unfortunately, he too has disappeared. Fortunately, he left the system plans behind and as Daniel studies them, he comes to the awful realization that the train, which can be heard but not seen, has somehow become trapped in a fourth dimension. His findings attract the attention of local bureaucrats who are too rigid and pragmatic to accept Pratt's outlandish theory.
