Norman Bacon

A down on his luck Irishman in London decides to play snooker for money.


George Orwell's novel of a totalitarian future society in which a man whose daily work is rewriting history tries to rebel by falling in love.


"I dunno, years of putting up with it, waiting on you all, for what? Eh? To become a fourteen-stone invisible woman?" A few days in the life of Connie, usherette at a sleazy cinema.

The TARDIS falls through a CVE into E-Space and arrives on the planet Alzarius. There the inhabitants of a crashed starliner and a group of young rebels called the Outlers, led by a boy named Varsh and including his brother Adric, are terrorised by a race of Marshmen who emerge from the marshes at a time known as Mistfall. The Doctor discovers that the starliner's inhabitants are not the descendants of its original crew, as claimed by their leaders, the Deciders, but evolved Marshmen. With the Time Lord's help and encouragement, the starliner is repaired and able to leave the planet.

In the shadow of Castle Dracula, the Prince of Darkness is revived by blood trickling from the head-wound of an unconscious priest attempting exorcism. And once more fear and terror strikes Transylvania as the undead Prince of Darkness stalks the village of Keineneburg to ensnare victims and satisfy his evil thirst.
