Norman Erlich

In a Mockuocumentary format, led by the personage represented by Leonardo Sbaraglia, in 2499 the research is presented - carried out by scientists from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, whose exposition is in charge of Helmut Strasse, founder of the first school of Argentinology - about the remote existence of Argentina, an unknown country of great potential inexplicably disappeared from the face of the Earth.


Two rival families of different origin join the force by the love of two young. The journalist Ariel Cohen falls in love for Carla Rosi, while investigating his father, Giancarlo, a wealthy shady business that is congressional candidate with presidential aspirations.


In a city in South America an outbreak of bubonic plague occurs. While people try to flee and the military close the city, an idealistic doctor decides to stay and help the sick. In the ever-changing circumstances, he puts up a brave fight, being helped by others but also involving them without being able to control the situation.


Emilio (Disi), Benito (Berugo Carámbula), Alberto (Fernandez de Rosas) and Gino (Rennie) is four childhood friends who today belong to the same police group "Z Brigade". Your first mission is to address the assault to a bank, but the lack of vitality that characterizes them they help the assailants flee the scene !!!! The sergeant in charge decides to send them back to the Police Academy. The instructor will Moria Casan, who will train them to face and try to capture "Scar" (Norman Herlich), a most feared and elusive offender.


A street vendor and an unemployed person start working in a drug trafficking company.
