Norman Walker

The eldest daughter of a pioneer family is kidnapped by a mysterious Indian tribe and the eldest son pursues. In order to win back his sister's freedom, he must sacrifice his own life by passing the test of "Crooked Sky" and shield his sister from an executioner's arrow. Along the way, he recruits a broken down, drunk prospector to help him track down the unknown tribe and rescue his sister


When young John Wesley is saved from the flames burning his family's home, he believes God has chosen him for a higher mission. He grows up to become a minister in the Church of England but disapproves of concern within the church over the social position of the clergy. He concerns himself more with the common people and with individual religious experiences. He tries to accomplish his purposes by remaining within the church but the methodical way in which he and his followers go about their duties soon sets them apart as a special group jeeringly called Methodists. (Produced by the Radio and Film Commission of the Methodist Church in cooperation with J. Arthur Rank.)


50s quota thriller.

After a chance train encounter with Laurence Knight, Tom Blake's family's fortunes prosper on the beneficence of the great financier. A developing friendship leads to the Knights selling their home to the Blakes when they move back to London. All looks rosy for the Blakes as share prices in Mr Knight's new business venture soar, but is their confidence misplaced?


A mismatched collection of conscripted civilians find training tough under Lieutenant Jim Perry and Sergeant Ned Fletcher when they are called up to replace an infantry battalion that had suffered casualties at Dunkirk.


A lavish period drama produced in 1942 by Lord Rank's G.H.W. Productions Ltd.


A steelworker rises through the ranks to become manager of three steel mills, but ruthless ambition overwhelms him.


Propaganda wartime film.


The Life of St. Paul, including reenactment of the Book of Acts, and St. Paul's Epistles.


Trouble is brewing in the banana republic of Bianco for both His Excellency, El Presidente, and the British Consul, Brant. Rebels, led by Diego De Costa, the trusted "Minister of the Marines and the Customs" and Lieutenant Enricquo, the gunnery officer of the small republic's one battleship, have taken over the battleship, and the town. Most of the British citizens have taken refuge at the Consulate or have been evacuated to the small cruiser in Bianco's port, the "H. M. S. Audacious." But there are two major issues; the Consul's daughter, Pamela, and Canadian Lieutenant Bill Armstrong have been kidnapped by the rebels and now held hostage on the battleship "El Mirante," and El Presidente was visiting the consulate when the war broke out and is now under the protective custody of the British Empire.


To rid himself of his sponging relatives a man tells them he is really a forger which causes them to leave. His wife believes he is joking, but he has in fact allowed the truth to slip out and now he is danger of being arrested.


A Colonel's daughter steals from the regimental mess funds to pay off her gambling debts. One of the officers, who is love with her, takes the blame, and is sent to Africa.

Gutsy lass Gracie rallies fellow stall-holders at Birkenhead Market to prevent its takeover and demolition by a department store chain. She invokes the Market's foundation by Royal Charter just before an inadvertent gas leak provides an explosive climax.


Set during the Peninsular Campaign of the Napoleonic War, Mr Midshipman Easy has just joined the Royal Navy. He is very keen to do well but luckily he has an understanding captain to pull him out of the various adventures he seems to get involved in.


Turn of the Tide is a 1935 British film directed by Norman Walker. It was the first feature film made by J. Arthur Rank. It is set in a North Yorkshire fishing village, and relates the rivalry between two fishing families. The actors included John Garrick, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Wilfrid Lawson speak in the local accent. The work is based on the novel Three Fevers by Leo Walmsley.


The Way of Youth is a 1934 British crime film directed by Norman Walker and starring Irene Vanbrugh, Aileen Marson and Sebastian Shaw. It was made at Elstree Studios as a quota quickie.


Quote quickie thriller most notable for having David Lean as it's editor.


Lilies of the Field (is a 1934 British romantic comedy film.

A wealthy author, looking for material, 'adopts' an incorrigible thief he finds in the streets, together with an attractive typist who is down on her luck.


It follows a doctor who faces both a scandal and a moral dilemma when a patient of his dies while he is making love to a press magnate's daughter.


A British comedy film directed by Norman Walker

A British adventure film directed by Norman Walker


A comedy film directed by Norman Walker

A romantic drama film directed by Norman Walker.


A police captain poses as the valet of a friend who has been invited on a yacht cruise by a notorious schemer, whom the friend is afraid wants to murder him.


Dolores and Ramon celebrate their arranged betrothal with little enthusiasm: Dolores has a lover, and Ramon wants his freedom so that he can pursue Pepita. Having heard of Ramon's betrothal, Pepita gives her heart to another but when bandits accost her and try to rob her father, they give the dashing Ramon just the chance he needs to prove the gallant lover!


'Devon. Rich widow helps poor squire by pretending his ancestor hid treasure.' (British Film Catalogue)