Normand Lévesque

Caught in the tensions of the returning Pierrot, an ex-con, and the neighboring outlaws, Coralie attempts to distance herself from an ambiguous if not tormented past. Set against a busy highway, the butting houses dominated by a boss loosing sight of his operation are suspended as an anarchic surge approaches.


Heterosexual pretending to be gay to keep his work in the world of art, which is not without creating many misunderstandings with his wife and mother.


A psychotic man and an obsessed police officer make life unbearable for an unlucky actor by making him the scapegoat for a string of kidnappings.


Be careful what you wish just may come true. This is the underlying theme of this French-Canadian comedy drama that follows the travails of a TV addict who wins a talent contest and finds himself the subject of an embarrassingly revealing television series. Louis Jobin is a rather depressive young salesman who works in an electronics store. At night he is a passionate channel surfer, sitting upon his couch staring at his television. When Channel 19 announces a talent contest. Louis immediately enters. The contest winner will become the subject of a TV show with Channel 19 filming every movement, 24 hours a day for three months. Louis wins the contest and is at first elated by his prize but then begins to feel otherwise after he becomes a celebrity.


Fleeing from some other children who want to beat him, Olivier meets the ghost of a Pirate who every hundred years tries to find a parchment. Olivier agrees to help him. But in doing so he is captured by a bunch of pirates. The other children of the village discover a door thru time and space in an old haunted house and decide to rescue Olivier from Captain Monbars' pirates.
