Nuria Herrero


Señoras del (h) AMPA is a Spanish television series, in which, Mayte, four women living in the Madrid district of Carabanchel who will be overwhelmed when they accidentally end the life of a repellent mother who is an expert in annoying their existence during meetings. of the (AMPA) of the school. Unable to confess the facts, they end up involuntarily generating a spiral of violence that will turn them into dangerous gangsters facing real criminals.


Seattle is a love story between Iván, a pilot, and Amanda, a stewardess, through their meetings in hotels around the world.


Toc Toc is a 2017 Spanish comedy film directed by Vicente Villanueva. The movie follows the adventures and misadventures of a group of patients with OCD dated at the same time.


María and Susana, two rebellious teenagers, spend the summer in a catholic camp. While they are grounded during a weekend, the most unexpected arrival in the most unexpected way will change their feelings about life, love and freedom.


Oblivious to the strife that awaits them, a group of young nurses from Spain's upper class head to war-torn Marocco in 1921 to help where help is needed. Many lessons in love and life are learned before they overcome deepest conflicts, grow as human beings and find out what they really want from life and whom they truly love.


Dolores Lolita runs the Cabaret, a theater located in a central street of Madrid. In these times of economic crisis, the artists living in the annex to the local hotel expecting an investor to help them raise the curtain again.


Fran has a picture and a goal: to beat up the boy who appears in it.


They’re losers and they don’t know it, that’s why they cling to a hope that’s always on the move and will never wait for them. Hatred and loneliness, let-downs and disproportionate loves, animals of uncertainty and desperation. Whose dreams come true lately anyway?


Yao and Moroccan Rachid arrive illegally in Valencia, Spain, and separate. Yao sells pirated DVDs in the street and wanders disconsolately around the barrio until he glimpses divorcee Maria Luisa working in her boutique. High-strung and irritable, Maria lives with her gay son, Rober, who, like many other things in life, is a disappointment to her. Rachid, meanwhile, is doing just fine working as a hairstylist in a beauty salon; Rober is hopelessly in love with him. When Yao starts sleeping in Rober's flat, a confrontation between him and Maria suddenly becomes inevitable, and when it comes, what could have been an embarrassment is actually handled with grace.
