Ole-Jørgen Nilsen

Amber city is the last city on earth with a breathable atmosphere. In this climate of fear and paranoia, Isan Epel finds herself trapped by her employers, Schilman's inc, after working in secret for two years. Without any memories of her past, she hides in order to escape from her pursuers, and tries to disclose the content of a mysterious microdisc. The narcotic agent Phil Comb is then hired to find her and the disc. But he is too damaged by the drugs he consumes, and loses more and more contact with reality while he begins to understand the machiavellian conspiration around him. His meeting with Isan is going to reveal to him much more than he could have imagined...


Nine oldtimers come upon a young woman stuck in a swamp.


Kåre is a youth coach with aspirations to become the greatest football player ever like his idol, Bryan Robson. However, his dreams are starting to take a toll on his relationship with his girlfriend, Anna.


Feature film length collection of seven short films about the biblical seven sins by preliminary younger Norwegian directors.

Pål and Catherine would like to have a baby, but their efforts are hampered by bureaucracy.


Erik Bruun (Nils Vogt) milks the social security system by making up a lot of tenants with one social security-entitled defect worse than the other, he starts this after he is fired two years earlier. His wife Linda (Kjersti Døvigen) knows nothing about this, but then one day when social security inspector Fylking (Ole Jørgen Nilsen) suddenly knocks on the door to check the conditions, a huge and increasingly complicated and intricate process starts for Bruun in the hope of avoiding to be revealed.

Kontanter er snart avlegs med det inflasjonstempoet vi har i dag... bedre med verdipapirer og fast eiendom! Disse tanker har også Olsenbanden gjort seg - og de tenker stort!


Snipp snapp snute - så var oljeeventyret ute. Ja, så forferdelig kunne det ha gått dersom ikke Olsenbanden hadde opptrådt på arenaen. En tidligere høyt betrodd medarbeider i Oljedirektoratet, nå finansmegler Brock-Larsen, er på jakt etter en mikrofilm inneholdende opplysninger om nye oljeforekomster i Nordsjøen. Disse vil han selge til et tysk storkonsern for 100 millioner D-mark. Egon kjenner til saken, og etter mange viderverdigheter kommer han i besittelse av filmen.


Blood of the Railroad Workers (Norwegian: Rallarblod) is a 1979 Norwegian drama film directed by Erik Solbakken, starring Nils Ole Oftebro and Ragnhild Hilt. A group of rallare (migratory rail road workers) arrive in a small town in Norway, and cause social conflict. One of the men, Sjugur (Oftebro), stands apart as a strong, independent man. The girls like him, but he has set his sights on Innbranna (Hilt), the daughter of a wealthy landowner.


A spaceship has 5 crew members. An alien kills one of the crew members which is replaced by a copy, but who is it?


The Øyens' leave their 5 year old daughter to the babysitter, who later that night receives some mystical phone calls.


"Desertering" -1941, Norway. The young kitchen maid Liv and the German officer Franz meet in the military camp where Liv works. They develop a friendship and decides to flee to Sweden.


Nora Helmer has years earlier committed a forgery in order to save the life of her authoritarian husband Torvald. Now she is being blackmailed lives in fear of her husband's finding out and of the shame such a revelation would bring to his career. But when the truth comes out, Nora is shocked to learn where she really stands in her husband's esteem.


Hele banden med Kjell, Benny og Egon i spissen er denne gangen på jakt etter en skatt fra krigens dager, gjemt bort i en millitærbunker. De er ikke alene om jakten, det er flere som kjenner skjulestedet: Profesjonelle revolverbanditter, froskemenn og en skraphandler. Samtidig har militæret mistanke om at det foregår noe på sperret område.


A meta-film about a film and the common man in our own political reality. A reality that is just scenes of a film without any cinematic development, but which might be plain reality tomorrow.


This black-and-white Norwegian film is a great rarity: a film with comic elements set in a mental ward which does not overstep the bounds of common sense or good taste. One feature of the film is that it shows to a small extent the contributions of their families to the patients' plights.


Norwegian Sci-Fi short based on William Tenn's short story "Time in Advance". In the far future a law is passed enabling citizens to serve out sentences for crimes they intend to commit, serving the full term, but with a 50% pre-criminal discount. Post-criminals and pre-criminals alike are sent to carry out hard-labour on hellishly perilous, far-flung Convict Planets. Few return. Those pre-criminals who are not killed, drop out before their terms are up, with nothing but scars and nightmares to show for their troubles. Two pre-criminals however manage against all the odds to serve out two full terms for murder, and return to Earth as minor celebrities, with the right to kill one person each.

1968 Norwegian film.


Hans Nielsen Hauge was a Norwegian reformer in the early 1800's both financially and spiritually.
