Oleksandr Kirienko

A little orphan boy, an immigrant from eastern Ukraine, finds himself in an orphanage after the death of his parents and faces the cruelty of other children. He really wants to go to church on Shrove Sunday and apologize for his hatred.

Every morning the Clown gets on the bus and arranges a show for passengers, makes gifts to children and the conductor. Everyone is happy and adores him. But once he doesn't show up… This is a story about kindness. The story of the "baton of goodness" that a young policeman takes from a clown (retiree) and passes on the good.

Spring. Shots and explosions can be heard nearby - there is a war. Uliana packed her things to go. All the neighbors have long since left, except for them and the mentally retarded boy Pasha. Gordii cuts trees in his garden. Uliana catches a car that is ready to take them to a safe place, but Gordii, despite the war, refuses to leave his native land.

The life of an advertiser does not look successful: the work brings income and satisfaction, the beloved woman agreed to get married. But everything collapses in one moment: Kostya's father dies, and on his hands is not only a family business – a manufacturer of women's shoes, but also helpless relatives who are used to the fact that their problems are solved by a man. Kostya is clearly not suitable for the role of "head of the family": he does not devote enough time to his fiancee Sonya and daughter marusa, he does not communicate much with his mother, and even less with his daughter from his first marriage. He is not interested in the family business and does not delve into the business of the company. But the tragedy forces him to grow up: Kostya no longer goes with the flow, but finds the strength to stand at the helm of the company and be a support for all his women.

Анна и Никита воспитывают чужого ребенка, но теперь у них появился шанс на рождение собственного: беременность Анны подтверждается. Женщину кладут на сохранение. Однако их счастье омрачается попытками некой доброжелательницы убедить Анну и ее мужа, что в ее возрасте опасно рожать. По ее мнению, Анне следует прибегнуть к помощи суррогатной матери. А пока Анна находится в роддоме, Никита берет на себя заботу о матери-одиночке с новорожденным ребенком, отец которого трагически погиб...

Двое воспитанников детского дома влюбляются друг в друга, и их отношения очень быстро доходят до интимной близости. Вскоре девушка понимает, что беременна, и сообщает об этом любимому парню. Тот в шоке и не знает, что с этим делать. Все становится известно воспитателям, которые требуют, чтобы девушка сделала аборт. Будущий отец в панике сбегает...

Max Pavlov - talented, confident and a little ... desperate. He does not like ordinary life and quiet work. Max is an extreme climber who single-handedly conquered the peaks of the Pamirs and the Himalayas. He is successful in business and in love, loyal to his girlfriend Marina. He has a best friend and partner - Lyokha.


Story of a successful businessman, who has to protect his business in difficult conditions. He gets entrapped into the net of law enforcement structures and after arrest the protagonist starts to notice weird things: some of his interlocutors appear to be not real persons, but phantoms, created by his consciousness. Fantomness, dematerialization of things that are obvious for common sense brings the author to the next stage of thinking - that the illusion of fear is also fruit of our imagination.


Arina is young, reach and independent woman. She's married to a wealthy businessman. But deep inside she's still looking for a true love.


Dina, a former figure skating star, works as a coach in a boarding school for problematic children when she meets Lada - a new and very talented girl.


Love story of the student of Ivanna and Mark, the son of the governor. Mark has a brilliant future - studying in a prestigious Western university, provided a bride. His concern is choosing a car brand in which club to spend the evening with the same snobs and cynics from wealthy families. Ivanna is emotional, unpredictable, she is not indifferent to not only her future but also the future of her country. She broke into Mark's life with an orange swirl and changed him in minutes. They are not alike, they even speak different languages, but the main thing now is love.


The remake of a famous 1963 comedy 'Koroleva Benzokolonki'.
