Olga Lysak

Lisa doesn’t manage to get to the Perinatal Centre in time, and gives birth in a provincial maternity clinic where conditions fail to provide her with a safe delivery. The child is born with complications. Lisa has only 24 hours to make the most important decision in her life.


А husband and wife are waiting for their daughter to go to a family dinner, but she is not answering her phone. They go looking for her.

A young Russian woman, trying to make it in the big city, is hired for an off-the-books government operation, which involves seducing and later exposing a number of prominent political opposition figures.


The student, Rifle, has managed to seduce his professor's wife, Bomber, an average working guy, has bought a factory and Bullet, the casino lover, is hiding from creditors. They all share a common path and conscription. In the army they teach you that everything must be smart and in order - cockades, straps and all, otherwise you're not fit to call yourself a person, you're a maggot. For a real man, there's no better place than the army.
