Olga Sutulova

Marta is a brilliant lawyer with an absolute rule: she only protects women. She is ambitious and can win any case, though her meth- ods may not always be above board. Martha’s clients are very di- verse - from the most successful women to victimized teenagers. She does not select them by affluence her core goal is to protect those who need protection. Martha is ready to use any means, even those that are on the wrong side of the law, whether it be, blackmailing, bluffing, bribery, elaborate hijinks. even in the modern world, a woman can be completely defenseless when the deck is stacked. Ask Martha and she will surely find a way out of any situation. However, the cost of it is not always clear even for herself. Martha protects other women, but is not able to deal with her own problems. Winning a high-profile case - she loses her husband a custody of her own daughter, Sasha (9). How can she rewind it all? How can she bring back the most the dearest she had?

1919 year. Fate confronts the young idealist Osya with the Turkish swindler Ibrahim Bender. And the honest Osya would never have contacted such a shameless and cunning swindler if they had not been united by an incredibly dangerous adventure - a hunt for a royal relic, a precious rod, which local bandits and white officers would also like to get. In a series of dizzying adventures, Osya is forced to learn from Ibrahim charming flattery, delicate deception, captivating blackmail and ... brute force. And all this - being in love with the purest girl in the city! And, it seems, into one more - a fatal foreign beauty. This is how the portrait of the legendary great schemer and favorite of women, Ostap Bender-Zadunaisky, begins to take shape.

The hunt for the empire's gold continues. A priceless rod, a treasure that was supposed to provide a fabulous life in sunny Rio da Janeiro, slipped from the tenacious hands of Ibrahim Bender and his young student Ostap and ended up in Nestor Makhno. He is sure: this is far from the only precious relic hidden in the vicinity. So red, white, bandits and partisans get involved in the race for mythical gold, and Osya, together with the rogue mentor Ibrahim, must surpass himself in order not to get caught and get the rod. And at the same time - to return the trust of the most beautiful girl who is disappointed in the Wasp and is getting married.

Reflections of the shift worker Ivan, who, due to life circumstances, overcomes more than 9000 km to return home. On his way he meets many interesting people: military, students, mothers with children, men, women, old people. The landscapes outside the window, time zones, people are changing. But their stories remain, stories about life, love, hope and faith.

A well-meaning but hapless functionary in grips of mid-life crisis is appointed to run Russia's Ministry of Long-term planning - a small, underfunded, understaffed and generally ignored state agency. With a team consisting of sycophants and corrupt cynics he embarks on an idiotic quest to make Russia great again.


Mexico. 1940. The agent of the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) Ramon Merkader comes to the house of Leon Trotsky. Under a long leather raincoat he hides an ice pick. He is here to kill the unsuspecting Russian revolutionary. Moscow. 2019. The modest honours pupil Yura helps his schoolmate Masha in history. They just study Merkader’s murder of Trotsky. The uninhibited Masha decides to tempt nerdy Yura. The director of studies comes into the classroom in the most intense moment. Afterwards the school principal calls in the class teacher of Masha and Yura for a talk. He considers that such an irresponsible teacher has no place at the school and is set to dismiss her. The school bell rings. As if by magic, the endings of these three stories intertwine, giving rise to a new surprising reading of the known events.

An experienced inspector suspects a cardiologist of murder. But he has doubts, as he does not understand why a kind, intelligent woman would commit the cold, planned murder of her rival, for whom her husband left her long ago. Jealousy? A sense of ownership? In exchange for the truth he offers information which may change the view of the potential criminal.


The shift worker Ivan covers more than 9000 km by train. Landscapes, time zones, people are changing. But their stories of life, love, hope and faith remain.


Five unusual short stories in the almanac from Russian directors. Horror about the mystical school from Alexander Domogarov, Jr. (“Let the children go”). Erotic thriller "Ear Ring" with Lukerya Ilyashenko. Black comedy about the forest walk of two friends "Mushrooms and fish." Witty kinonovella "Che" on a spontaneous trip to St. Petersburg. The post-New Year story with Olga Sutulova and Marina Vasilyeva about finding the missing guy named Kostik.

Moscow, present day. The city of big money, passion, gorgeous women and wealthy men, receptions and dangerous intrigue. Dasha, an art historian from the province, who came to the capital, dreams of a new, better life, but a mysterious and cruel incident will change everything.


The touching love story of a deaf fisherman and singer from a coastal cafe.


On New Year's Eve, a young guy named Kostik disappears. His search is engaged in warring with each other mother and ex-girlfriend. Mom thinks the girl is to blame for what happened. She forces the girl to participate in all search operations. They put up orientations, look at the corpses in the morgue, sweep through the forest, get into the police. Love for Kostik will push women to desperate acts.

The life pages of a man who changed the world but paid back everything he had. Leon Trotsky is being interviewed in Mexico city of the year 1940 by Canadian journalist Frank Jackson. During eight days they have eight interview sessions revealing the true face of Comrade Trotsky.


This is a story about a guy who is willing to sell the soul, just to dial million views for your videos on YouTube. On the way to his goal, he turns into a fast train "Moscow - Vladivostok», where faced with an American actress, suffering aerophobia. On the way strangers expect such adventures that they lag behind the train that trying to catch up, moving our unpredictable and fabulous Mother Russia - After each of them need to be in Vladivostok exactly 7 days - for reasons which they carefully conceal from each other.


Short movie


The true-life, stranger-than-fiction tale of eighteenth-century Greek pirate turned merchant Ioannis Varvakis, who rose from humble beginnings to become the head of one of the largest mercantile empires in Europe.


A funny romantic comedy about a young actor Slava Belkin who works as Santa during New Year days.


A continuation of a famous Russian comedy "Mamy" ("Mommies").


У девушки Даши, приехавшей с подругой «покорять» Москву, редкая специальность — преподаватель техники речи, а жизнь — самая обыкновенная: съемная квартира, невысокие гонорары и занятия с утра до вечера. Однажды Даша получает выгодное предложение — дать уроки преуспевающему бизнесмену Владу, участвующему в политических выборах. У героев начинается бурный роман. Но случайная встреча с женой Влада заставляет Дашу взглянуть на происходящее совсем с другой стороны. И Влад оказывается совсем не героем романа и вовсе не мужчиной мечты…


When in 1941 Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union, their troops quickly besieged Leningrad. Foreign journalists are evacuated but one of them, Kate Davies, is presumed dead and misses the plane. Alone in the city she is helped by Nina Tsvetnova a young and idealist police officer and together they will fight for their own survival and the survival of the people in the besieged Leningrad. Written by Marcio Eduardo


Young Alisa is fed up with her life in Moscow, and moves to St. Petersburg. Her roommates in the collective flat are two junkies, Vel and her boyfriend Valera the Dead Man. First they fight, but soon the two women form a friendship. Together they even go after the Petersburg underworld when Dead Man is abducted because he can't pay his debts.


Катя и Сергей — счастливая семейная пара. У них совместный бизнес. Джип последней модели. Квартира в современном доме в центре города. Всё настолько хорошо и благополучно, что супруги уже подумывают о загородном трёхэтажном коттедже с бассейном. Но однажды всё изменилось — Сергей исчез. Катя начинает собственное расследование…

Two young teachers In a home for deaf-mute and blind children decide to see if the children they are in charge of are capable of falling in love, but their experiments have unfortunate consequences.


The first love of the young heroine of the film remains unrequited. An adult married man, a friend of her parents, does not believe that he has the right to respond to this feeling. They will meet in a few years other people — and broke out with a new force of love will turn their lives. They do not yet know that they will be separated again. However, their souls are destined to stay together forever…


In an age of Gladiators, the power that was Rome held its empire together with the might of its armies, the sweat and tears of its conquests, and the cheers and bloodlust of its citizens – glorified in the deadly spectacle of The Arena. Stolen from their homelands, the fiery Druid maiden Bodicia, exotic slave girl Jessemina, and the powerful barbarian Flavius, are pitted against each other as gladiators by the sadistic Roman Governor Timarchus. Banished by Caesar, Timarchus unleashes his frustration on his gladiators, staging extravagant spectacles of combat, orgy and death. In a violent world where only the strong survive, love and hate, life and death, are separated by an instant.


Sergey is a Famous TV star who has everything: success, money, popularity, but one thing is missing in his life - a true love.


A talented surgeon becomes a target of various forces after inventing a new organs transplantation technique.
