Oļģerts Kroders

What does the question "to be or not to be?" mean to a person? Does the answer include only the biological difference between life and death or do these states interact with each other and are both a part of the life? How to overcome non-existence, how to achieve the consciousness of your existence and fulfillment? How to escape the emptiness of life? How to make life fulfilling? The protagonist of this film is the 86 year old director Olgerts Kroders, who commenced staging his fourth production of Sheakspeare's "Hamlet" in Valmieras Drama theater. The theater is more than merely his occupation, he not only works there but also lives and spends all of his time in it. The film depicts his routine, the rehearsal process up until the premiere and provokes a dialog about theater, freedom and solitude using four actors, who have all been Hamlet in the different productions of play.

A young woman, Regina, has been killed in her apartment. Investigator Anderson holds Regina’s husband as a suspect for a murder because he is unable to remember his location at the time of the fateful event. Gradually, Anderson is convinced that Oto has not only killed his wife, but he also tries to hide his true identity – notorious criminal Schmit.

The film is based on the popular science-fiction novel “Professor Dowell’s Head” by Russian writer Alexander Belyaev. For many years, a prominent scientist had been striving to solve the problem of immortality. He shared the results of his daring and risky experiments with his colleagues. But one day something happened that no one could have foreseen: the professor had disappeared. The best student and follower of Professor Dowell tries to use the results of his scientific research for criminal purposes. It looks like he is going to succeed…


A story about ten years old Raymond who wants to learn how to drive a car.

At the beginning of the summer of 1905, representatives of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party Krasilnikov and Elkonen turned to Captain Zhanis Trautman, a Latvian political emigrant living on the outskirts of London, with a proposal to lead a steamer with a cargo of weapons to the shores of Russia. Having recruited a team of old and tried comrades, Trautman changes the crew of an English cargo ship bought by the front men. In the course of the squabble that arose on this occasion, a sailor of the old crew, David Blake, was stabbed. The wounded Blake and the veterinarian Gruber, who accompanied the cargo of anthrax drugs, are forced to leave on board. On the high seas, weapons and explosives were loaded on board. The steamer headed for the Oresund Strait, where a messenger was to meet him.

Intelligence-diversionary group of athletes who know how to shoot snipers, run, jump, feel free in the water and under water, to withstand the monstrous load of hand-to-hand fights, will be able to reach the goal only going together, passing the task as a relay. Seven of them. Among them is a girl swimmer. It will be the most difficult, the last stage of the journey. The plot is based on the real facts of the great Patriotic war.


In the surreal aftermath to a plane crash at sea Dr. Iven an eminent scientist is the only survivor to be taken into the confidence of the alien rescuers. He learns that the world with its weapons of mass destruction is not ready for the wonders of the culture of the pacifist visitors. The situation is further complicated by the close relationship that blossoms between the doctor and the female alien, and due to this relationship he is the only survivor allowed to retain his memory of the events, unlike the other survivors including his wife, whose memories are erased.


In the experimental clinic, a batch of valuable drug was stolen. Major Grigast suspects that someone from the clinic is involved in this. He entrusts this complex matter to a young investigator Mara. An investigation leads her to a distant border town in the south of the country, where the offender intended to ship the drug abroad.
