Oliver Muth

Mary is a lawyer whose successful career is turned upside when she have a car accident. Forced to live on a wheelchair, the lawyer is fired and abandoned by her lover.


Based on 'Susanne Fröhlich' 's bestselling diet book, this comedy focuses on Carla Hahn, hosting a radio show as "Christin, the sexiest voice of Berlin". However, her listeners don't know that she is full-figured. When Tom, a charming admirer, persistently calls her on the show, she wants to meet him. As he thinks she looks a slim top model, Carla desperately tries to loose weight until their first date...


Bewegte Männer is a German sitcom television series, based on the comic by Ralf König. 39 episodes were aired on Sat. 1 between 2003 and 2005.
