Olivier Lorelle

Summer 2019. Just graduated from Sciences Po, Madeleine leaves to prepare the orals of the ENA in Corsica with Antoine, her lover with whom she shares very left-wing political convictions. On a small deserted road, an unexpected encounter will seal their fate.

Vietnam - 1946. Philippe is committed to pacifying an unknown country made of dense forests and spectacular mountains. His ideals collapse when he realizes that he must torture and kill a young vietnamese who is fighting for his independence. He decides to flee with her on an unpredictable journey to the heart of the jungle. They will discover who they are. This film is the story of their love.


Elisabeth lives a quiet live in the Belgian countryside with her young adult daughter Elodie. After the divorce from her husband Elisabeth took care of her daughter on her own. When Elodie disappears over night and Elisabeth discovers that she travelled to Syria to join the Islamic State, she begins her journey to find her daughter.


Ivan and Chiara meet on a Sicilian island to prepare the wedding for Ivan’s brother and Chiara’s best friend. Despite the fact that Ivan is determined not to repeat the failure of his last relationship and Chiara does not want to jeopardise her marriage, the two fall in love with each other. They resolve to live their relationship for only a few days and then break it off when the wedding guests arrive on the island. But can love be controlled? Or is it love that controls us?


Serge is a winner, he sells kitchen furniture like hot cakes. His son, Gérald, who has just lost his restaurant, applies for a job in his dad's firm. It's Gerald's wish but it's Serge's reality and you do not become a top salesman overnight.


A muggy Saigon, late 1945. Stationed at a military camp in French Indochina, two young men--Robert and André--become close friends as they share the boredom and excitement of waiting for their first mission. But when they discover that instead of freeing Indochina from foreign aggressors, they will be fighting natives struggling for independence, their friendship is jeopardized.


Paris, North Station, anything comes by, even trains. One would like to stay, but they have to hurry up... Like other thousands lives crossing, Ismael, Mathilde, Sacha and Joan are going to meet here...


The story of an adult and a teenage couple during a brief summer holiday by the sea. While Nic's parents remain trapped in a precarious mutual dependency despite repeated attempts at reconciliation, their 12-year-old son tries to come to terms with his father's traumatizing violent outbursts in games with other children. He tries to teach Marie, who is of his age and suffers from her own relationship with her father, to feel nothing. In fact, both of them are transformed by their experience of the joys and pains of first love.


After traveling to London to check on their missing children in the wake of the 2005 London terror attacks on the city, two strangers come to discover their respective children had been living together at the time of the attacks


Marthe (Isabelle Huppert) and Michel (Olivier Gourmet) live with their three children in a remote house next to an abandoned highway using it as an extension to their property. One day without warning, construction workers begin to upgrade the road and the highway becomes open to traffic. Their lives are forever changed.


During WWII, four North African men enlist in the French army to liberate that country from Nazi oppression, and to fight French discrimination.


Les Diables (The Devils) chronicles the struggle of an autistic girl and her brother trying to survive without their parents.


Passionné par l'histoire de son peuple, Alloune, un vieux guide du musée africain "La Maison des Esclaves" à Gorée, part en pèlerinage pour retrouver les descendants de ses ancêtres aux Etats-Unis. Cet émouvant voyage va le mener des côtes de Caroline du Sud au quartier de Harlem où vit la communauté africaine, Little Senegal. Alloune, animé par l'idée de réunir sa famille par delà les siècles et les frontières, remonte jusqu'à une lointaine cousine, Ida, qui ignore tout de son passé. Le vieil homme croise également les chemins de son neveu Hassan, chauffeur de taxi clandestin, de sa fiancée Biram, d'Eileen, enceinte et fugueuse, et de Karim, qui cherche à faire un mariage blanc pour obtenir la carte verte. Tous les quatre comprennent mal la quête d'Alloune.


A man decides to pose as his friend and claim to be the father of a child that isn't his.


Set in France in 1961-1962 during the Algerian War, Living in Paradise is a thought-provoking examination of the lives of North African immigrants trying to find a place in the social system of Western Europe.
