Óscar Orlegui

Luis Sandrini plays a college professor who, because of his freethinking attitudes and concerns for moral questions over matters of business, has more in common with his students than his colleagues.


The story of rebel gaucho Martin Fierro, his people, and their life in the Argentine Pampas. Based on José Hernández's epic poem.


This short features an unnamed boy who works as a shoeblack near a carnival. He befriends a middle-class boy one evening and gets a chance to spend time inside the carnival gate.


A university student comes to stay with a bedridden woman and her four children. Helping out around the house, she soon grows fond of the mother and children. An attorney falls for the student, but the couple experiences problems when she declines to leave what he refers to as "that lunatic asylum."


1959 Argentinian film.


A group of poor people living on the bare minimum in a slum, trying to survive in a world that seems to have no place for them. With a tone raw and realistic story portrays their daily tragedies, and their struggle to survive.


A young man lives on the islands of the Delta del Tigre and remembers how his family defended themselves against invading outlaws.