Oskar Kuchera

The main qualities of 45-year-old businessman Yevgeny Vasin are the brilliant mind, thanks to which he became rich, and the disgusting character, which turns the life of the businessman's relatives and subordinates into a real hell. On New Year's Eve, Vasin knocks down Santa Claus in a car and, instead of providing help, steals a Christmas tree and leaves. Punishment is inevitable. Santa Claus transmits Evgeny's soul into the body of his Snow Maiden. Now, in the image of his grandfather's helper, Vasin will have to deliver gifts to all those whom he has offended, humiliated or insulted, to look at himself from the outside and check whether his life and the life of his family are similar to the fairy tale that Yevgeny drew for himself.

A romantic comedy about the adventures of the two old friends, former classmates, Mira and Olga in today Moscow.


In our modern Moscow Karabas-Barabas has changed his image and name and opens a toy manufacturing factory. In the high-rise buildings from the "raw material" - old toys of all sorts and shapes - made ​​two "innovative" unified model: the robot "Nibbler" for boys and doll "Glamushka" for girls. Mr. Baskara - so now to be called Carabas - sure that the future (and huge profits!) - is in his models.


Russian adaptation of the sitcom "The King of Queens".


Because of the accident, Grinya - a shy and unsound bachelor - loses his hand. However, the geniuses of Russian medicine are saved by sewing someone else's hand. And who would have thought that a new hand belonging to a famous adventurer and a scamper would completely change Green's life. Quiet existence is replaced by a string of unpredictable events and dizzying adventures: all the bandits of the city are trying to find it, from girls there is no hanging, money and success are abundant ... Thanks to a new hand, he becomes bold and confident. It's just not clear - who really is the master in their amazing tandem.


On a visit to Russia, a young princess escapes her handlers for an adventure in the city.


Retirees Rud and Sem come into possession of a suitcase full of mob money... a comic adventure ensues.


Terrorist Jaffad Ben Zayidi steals four nuclear bombs from a sunken American submarine and hides them in four major cities throughout the world. The charges can be activated by an 11-digit code. Zayidi dies and his accomplice, nicknamed "The Executioner," is about to blow up the bombs. The Executioner is chased by FSB, whose agent Marie has previously infiltrated Zayidi's team.


One day in the life of a modern young man - manager of a large advertising agency. For this day he smokes a pack of cigarettes, with every cigarette and scene of the film a whirlwind of events and conflicts swirls around him more and more densely ...


Хозяйка большого, но расстроенного поместья Меропия Мурзавецкая держит всю свою вотчину в железном кулаке: не спускает лести, подхалимства и слывет на всю округу святой строгой благодетельницей. Но и у нее есть своя слабость — племянник Апполоша, пропойца и неудавшийся хохмач, выгнанный с военной службы за мелкие пакости. Чтобы поправить своё положение и наконец-то пристроить племянника, Меропия решает женить его на богатой соседке, хорошенькой вдовушке Евлампии Купавиной, и ради этого идет на череду подлогов и лжи. Несмотря на то, что Апполон вместо решительного предложения руки и сердца лишь занимает у Купавиной пять рублей на «табачок-с», задумка Мурзавецкой близка к завершению, и наивная овечка Евлампия со всем своим капиталом и необъятными лесами почти оказывается в пасти деспотичной помещицы. Но когда Мурзавецкая уже не сомневается в успехе своей аферы, появляется Василий Беркутов, давний ухажёр Купавиной, прирожденный предприниматель и делец…

Events of the film take place in both hemispheres. Presidents of countries, bosses of drug cartels, special agents and powerful secret service agencies from all around the world are the first hand participants of its events. The film begins with an account of a shocking yet quite ordinary skirmish - an average drug kin pin is beating one of his assistants with a golf club with a purpose of educating him, because the assistant's cell phone was quite unlawfully confiscated by an overly diligent secret service agent. The mutilated gangster understands the incommensurability of his guilt and the level of his fault, and becomes the first character who asks the question: What do we know about the world we live in?
