Otto Gebühr

Young Olga Ahrendt almost succeeded in attempting suicide. She had thrown herself in front of a tram out of desperation about her miserable life, a desperation she shared with many in the post-war period. Fortunately, Privy Councillor Sauerbruch is at the scene of the incident, ordering her to be admitted to his clinic after a brief examination. Sauerbruch works both as a university lecturer and as a surgeon, a famous doctor who not only helps his patients physically but also gives them spiritual comfort. After he has taken Olga Ahrendt to his hospital, he discovers during an examination that her suicide attempt is due to a serious physical illness. He intensively takes care of her without forgetting about his other patients, to whom he can give a new will to live, even if only through a small story. And he will also treat Olga Ahrendt successfully...


On a mountain lake, in the picturesque Alps in the Salzburg region, the old, rich grumble has retired to his country house and actually only wants to live in peace and seclusion. Soon the longed-for peace will be over, because in the immediate vicinity a home for little-wealthy holiday children will be opened in an empty house, which will be headed by the cheerful and optimistic teacher Miss Helm. Since children are now loud and impetuous, while the old grumble wants to devote himself entirely to his garden and the trees, there are bound to be vocal conflicts, especially since the high-spirited children do not miss an opportunity to play grumble a few pranks. Grummel is angry red and fights every time against any new unrest that has gripped his life, but to no avail.

Jeff Elliot is an American GI investigating a black market gang in Munich.


A woman between two men. Horror melodrama.


After the end of World War II Lüder Lüdersen, the former owner of a feudal estate in the East, and his daughter Helga arrive as refugees in the Lüneburg Heath. While living a seemingly happy life on the estate of his cousin, Lüdersen hides a dark secret: he is a poacher.


A woman marries a rich landowner, by request of her parents, instead of her lover who's Child she's expecting. After a couple of years, the Father of the Child returns.


Hans Albers plays returning war veteran Hans Richter who has trouble finding work. With nowhere else to turn, Richter gets involved with black market activities. This so disgusts Richter's son, blind ex-soldier Edwin (Paul Edwin Roth), that the boy literally disowns his father. Hans eventually mends his ways, but not before several other devastating setbacks.


1945 German film.

Elisabeth’s great love is Reinhart, a budding musician. They spent a happy childhood together on the Immensee. And although he loves her, too, he leaves Immensee to take up his studies in Hamburg. For a long time, no one knows what’s become of him; until they meet once again at Immensee. Happy about this meeting, Elisabeth visits him in Hamburg. But she finds city life to be strange and confusing; and so, she returns back home disappointed. Finally, Erich, who has waited for her a long time, confesses to her, that he’s in love with her. When Eric’s father dies and he inherits the farm, he asks Elisabeth to marry him. When he eventually dies, Elisabeth stays loyal to him even in death. Now that the famous director Reinhart is ready to show her his affections, she’s not to be swayed.


King Frederick II (aka "Frederick the Great") of Prussia is engaged in a major battle against the Austrian army at Kunersdorf, and things aren't going well. The Austrians are inflicting major casualties, and his army is beginning to crumble. Defeat seems inevitable when a combination of events gives him hope that he may pull victory from the jaws of defeat after all.


A biographical film of Otto von Bismarck, the Prime Minister of Prussia, and how he and his policies - including aggressive war - helped to unite Germany.


An operetta directed by Herbert Maisch.


Women are being sent to an all male settlement. The marriages are planned in advance, but not everything goes according to plan.


The story of the rise to power of King Frederick II (aka "Frederick the Great") of Prussia of his military campaigns to make Prussia a major power in Europe.


A young man races to save his son's life, but death - incarnated in the child's imagination as the titular Erl King - calls unceasingly.


Alternate-language version of Le roi des aulnes (1931)


This presentation of 'Waterloo', a film by Karl Grune about the last hurrah of Napoleon, is a fascinating companion to the Abel Gance epic 'Napoleon'. 'Waterloo' presents a tale of several people involved in the final battle. Napoleon and Wellington, of course, but also the Austrian general Blutcher (who is seen as a ladies' man - his scene with a flirty Countess about halfway through the film is priceless; as are his touching scenes with his plain wife (who he imagines to be a young and nubile girl when they get romantic) and some people within his regiment. Not simply a film of war, 'Waterloo' is a story of people, of lovers, of lost opportunities.


Silent epic on the final years of Frederick II.


Silent epic on the final years of Frederick II.


The last part of Fridericus Rex's main focus is entirely on the battle after years of conflict with Austria, which allied itself with France and Russia finally opens against Prussia in 1756 in the Seven Years War.

Film by Carl Boese.

Suffering under the tyrannical rule of Rudolf II in 16th-century Prague, a Talmudic rabbi creates a giant warrior to protect the safety of his people. Sculpted of clay and animated by the mysterious secrets of the Cabala, the Golem was a seemingly indestructible juggernaut, performing acts of great heroism, yet equally capable of dreadful violence. When the rabbi's assistant takes control of the Golem and attempts to use him for selfish gain, the lumbering monster runs rampant, abducting the rabbi's daughter and setting fire to the ghetto.


Cheston, a millionaire, is looking after Maud, a beautiful woman from the 'demimonde'. Her brother, Brilburn, forces her to ask her rich admirer for an expensive piece of jewelry. Cheston buys a precious pearl necklace.
