Oussama Kheddam

'Sophie Cross' tells the story of the family of lawyer Sofie (Alexia Barlier) and Commissioner Thomas (Thomas Jouannet) that is struck by fate. Their five-year-old son, Arthur, disappears without a trace. This tragedy especially makes Sofie question her life. She ends her career as a criminal lawyer and starts training as a police officer. Three years later, she has a clear goal: to lock up as many criminals as possible while continuing to passionately search for her missing son.

As everyone knows, children make no difference between social classes, skin colors or religions. But then why does Corentin, Paul and Sofia's nine-year-old son, only have friends like him at Bagnolet's school? And when his friends all leave for a private school in Paris, his parents are frightened. From now on, Corentin is the only one in his class. But the only what?


Laura becomes a single mom to her two sons after leaving her unfaithful husband. All she really wants are life's simple pleasures: a comfortable home, a job that pays the bills and a nice meal from time to time. But soon she goes into debt and has to depend upon credit just to get by. Despite her best intentions and hard work, even a second job, she just can't make ends meet. Creditors harass her. They want to take everything - even her dignity. Desperate, Laura can see only one solution left to save her family: stage a hold-up.


Tamara has been separated from Diego for two years. She finally leaves home to live the student adventure in Paris with his girlfriend Sam. In a galley apartment, they accept a cohabit with Wagner. Problem: Diego is part of the lot, and he is no more single.


Lost in Paris, Cléo is looking for Paul and Paul is looking for Cléo. A poetic adventure lived in 3-year-old kids' shoes.


Tonight, Malik has decided to flee his ghetto. He had all planned. Except that Walid, his big brother, with all his « gang », is looking for him everywhere. The flee turn into a run away.


Armand and Leila, students at Science Po, are a young couple. They plan to go to New York to do their internship at the United Nations. But when Mahmoud, Leila's big brother, returns from a long stay in Yemen, which radically transformed him, he is opposed to his sister's love relationship and decides to remove him at any cost from Armand. To enter Mahmoud and see again Leila, Armand has no choice: he must slip the integral veil! The next day, a certain Scheherazade with a veiled face rings at the door of Leila, and she will not leave Mahmoud indifferent ...


Poor Benjamin gets stuck in a time-loop while on detention with his high-school crush.

